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Saturday, November 06, 2021 

An Israeli LGBT activist is accused of sexually assaulting minors

Another case of same-sex assault committed by Israeli LGBT activists turned up, with the culprit here being a TV personality and screenwriter:
The Kan public broadcaster on Monday published testimonies of two men who say that screenwriter and producer Gal Uchovsky, one of the most prominent LGBT rights activists in Israel, sexually assaulted them in recent years.

Uchovsky, a popular TV personality, reacted to the exposé by apologizing and saying he would be stepping down as president of IGY – Israel Gay Youth, a leading nonprofit organization serving LGBTQ youth in Israel.

Kan published two testimonies from anonymous members of the LGBT community.

The first man claimed that Uchovsky assaulted him a year and a half ago during a prearranged sexual encounter between them, during which the IGY chairman violated the boundaries the two had agreed upon previously.
The details are potentially graphic, so read more at your own risk over at the link. And it looks like a second offender has been discovered as well:
A day after LGBT personality Gal Uchovsky was accused of sexual assault, prominent lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender activist Etai Pinkas-Arad has been accused of sexual misconduct by two men who said they had relations with him over 10 years ago when they were 17, Ynet reported on Wednesday.

The two, identified in the report as “A.” and “Y.,” were both 17 years old and members of the Israel Gay Youth (IGY) group at the time of the alleged incidents. They met Pinkas-Arad, who was over 30 at the time, at lectures he gave to the group. The veracity of the allegations made by the two men were checked by lie detector tests.
So another example of OSRs committing offenses possibly under the confidence that "privileged status" will guarantee them safety. This is just simply atrocious, and doesn't do anything to prevent sex offenses from occurring. Additionally atrocious is how these activists exploit youngsters for the sake of their shoddy movements. Something that must be prevented.

Update: it would seem Uchovsky, whose films are bound to be seen far less now, was one of the same ideologues who attacked rabbi Rafi Peretz at least 2 years ago because he hated the notion the rabbi would promote conversion therapy:
Gal Uchovsky, a leading journalist, television presenter and movie producer who is married to filmmaker Eytan Fox, called for the minister’s resignation in a strongly worded piece on the Mako website on Sunday.

“I want to explain something to you, Rabbi Rafi,” Uchovsky wrote. “Either you are a liar or you are stupid or you are cut off in a way that makes you unworthy of being responsible for the education of young people, more correctly, for the education of even one single young person. Because if you have any knowledge of modern psychology and education, you would know that there is no way to make a gay or lesbian person straight.”
Look who was talking at the time. Uchovsky may not have been as crass in his wording as some of the other opponents, but his wording is still very rude and disrespectful, and when somebody like that insists there's "no way" to change a LGBT practitioner's sexual preference, you know there is, and I'd cited a few reports in the past to make that case. Peretz should take this as a badge of honor that he'd been attacked by somebody with such disrespect for the law, who surely believes leading a LGBT lifestyle means never having to say he's sorry, and who clearly isn't opposed when somebody like Mansour Abbas takes a similar stance against homosexuality. Now, Uchovsky's paying a price for his atrocities. What he did brings to mind Harvey Milk's espousal of promiscuity, which seems to be the way these leftist ideologues think. Seriously, maybe Uchovsky should consider turning to Peretz and ask if he can help change his thinking for the better. It could be a great way to mend fences.

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