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Saturday, November 05, 2022 

Car manufacturer with history of WW2 slave labor boycotts Twitter advertising over Elon Musk's free speech stance

Volkswagen, the car company founded by Nazi supporters during the WW2 era, has joined a boycott of Twitter advertising, all because Tesla CEO Elon Musk has a free speech position:
Volkswagen has announced that it has suspended advertisements on Twitter in response to Elon Musk’s vow to make the social media platform a home for free speech.

Europe’s largest car manufacturer, which was founded in 1937 by the German Labour Front under the direction of Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist Party, suspended advertising on Twitter this week following Elon Musk’s plans to water down the censorious ‘content moderation’ that has become a hallmark of the microblogging site in recent years.

[...] Mr Musk, for his part, said this week: “Twitter has had a massive drop in revenue, due to activist groups pressuring advertisers, even though nothing has changed with content moderation and we did everything we could to appease the activists. Extremely messed up! They’re trying to destroy free speech in America.”

[...] The German car company has a sordid history with the use of slave labour, using thousands of Jews and other Eastern Europeans as forced labour during the Nazi era to produce its cars. In 1998, the company admitted that it had used approximately 15,000 slaves during the Second World War.
Just like BMW. That they're now taking part in a campaign not all that different from what the National Socialists stood for confirms today's company management members aren't much better than their predecessors, who included the first company head, Ferdinand Porsche, for whom the luxury sports car brand is named. The timing couldn't be better for boycotting Volkswagen in return. Seriously, who needs their awful cars and trucks? They're just scrap piles.

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