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Wednesday, October 25, 2023 

Ron deSantis orders closure of student chapters that support terrorism at colleges in Florida

The Florida governor is taking steps to distance incitors of racism and advocates of violence from state colleges:
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has ordered the state to crack down on collegiate student groups that showed support for Hamas’ Operation Al-Aqsa Flood terrorist attacks against Israel two weeks ago.

The governor directed Ray Rodrigues, chancellor of the State University System of Florida, to send notices to the University of Florida and the University of South Florida notifying them that they must deactivate their chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) because they allegedly broke Florida laws about terrorism.

“During a holy Jewish holiday, the recognized terrorist organization, Hamas, launched an unprovoked attack on Israel – among those killed were babies, women, and elderly,”
Rodrigues said in a letter to the presidents of Florida’s public universities. “To date, approximately 1,400 Israelis have been killed, including 31 American citizens. Governor DeSantis, our State University System and the Florida College System have condemned these attacks.”

[...] The letter noted that under Florida law, it is a felony to “knowingly provide material support . . . to a designated foreign terrorist organization. . .” Hamas is designated by the Untied States as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.
All students involved with these groups must also be barred from entering the premises ever again, and should be arrested for the serious felonies they're involved in. They should practically be evicted from any residence in Florida too. And let's hope deSantis and company are also taking seriously the threat of Islamofascists operating in Tampa.

deSantis is to be congratulated for taking vital steps to put a stop to the threat of Islam in Florida. But there's much more that needs to be done in order to keep the rest of the USA safe as well. And let's not forget Israel's own need for safety.

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