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Wednesday, October 18, 2023 

Schools in USA desensitize children to violence, and employ rotten apples

Michele Exner warns of the serious topic of universities and schools alike in the USA that have clouded their students' judgement when it comes to Islamic jihadism, and practically desensitized them to violence:
There should have been a resounding and unified condemnation against these barbaric attacks, but shockingly, the statements from student groups and universities across the U.S. like Harvard, Columbia, Stanford and George Washington University, showed many young Americans siding with Hamas terrorists instead of standing up for the innocent people targeted and killed.

Much attention has been given to the radical protests and anti-Israel rhetoric coming out of college campuses, but it would be naive to think these students developed this warped sense of morality in just a few years or in a few classes at college. What we are witnessing is the manifestation of hate-filled indoctrination that has taken root in K-12 classrooms across the country.

Schools have become infatuated with teaching children that the entire world exists in a paradigm of oppressed versus oppressor. This hierarchy of oppression has replaced moral teachings of right and wrong. It has programmed students to wrongly believe violence is justified if it is carried out against a group deemed the “oppressor” by prevailing progressive ideologues.

Parents Defending Education has tracked dozens of incidents of school districts incorporating these reprehensible lessons into curriculums and teacher training sessions.

In New Haven Unified School District’s Ethnic Studies & Social Justice Academy, which is part of James Logan High School in California, the course’s objective was to teach students to challenge and criticize “power, oppression, capitalism, white supremacy, imperialism, colonialism.”

In a proposed ethnic studies curriculum in Jefferson Union High School District in San Mateo County, California, students are expected to learn “systems of oppression” with lessons on the “Four I’s of Oppression,” power and privilege, and colonialism. One example included in the lessons focuses on “Palestinian dispossession of lands/identity/culture through Zionist settler colonialism.”

[...] In Boston, public schools incorporated an ethnic studies curriculum focused on oppression and examining the so-called “pillars of white supremacy.”

If it was not bad enough this propaganda was being forced on American kids under the guise of “ethnic studies,” there have been accounts of school officials and even school board members who have promoted hateful rhetoric.

On May 13, 2021, Abrar Omeish, who continues to serve as a sitting member on the Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Board, uploaded an antisemitic post on her Facebook page accusing Israel of being an apartheid state and colonizers. The account she used is also the one she uses for her official duties.
And all these years, nothing was done to get these kind of people out of the public school system. You can't be shocked it could come to this then. There've even been similar cases occurring with movements like the ADL, which degenerated into a cesspool of wokeness some time ago, and following offensive incidents in which Hamas supports in the USA tore down posters featuring pictures of victims of kidnap/rape/murder, it also turns out one of those who did such a truly abominable act was an employee at ADL:
One of the NYU students who brazenly ripped down posters of Israeli hostages is an activist “extremely passionate about fighting racial profiling” who blamed her behavior on misplaced anger.

Yazmeen Deyhimi — a junior at the top university who once worked for the Anti-Defamation League — admitted to tearing apart banners that were plastered outside NYU’s Tisch Hall, in a shameless act that was caught on video.

Deyhimi came clean on her Instagram account after the action ignited social media outcry and calls for the school to hold the perpetrators accountable.

“I have found it increasingly difficult to know my place as a biracial brown woman, especially during these highly volatile times,” she wrote.
What she's doing is a truly shameless display of victimology. What's really weird here is that:
According to her LinkedIn profile, Deyhimi is an advocate against Muslim bigotry and spent a summer working with the ADL as a CSC Education Intern when she was just 15 years old.
If she means she's opposed to bigotry espoused by Muslims, she lied via her behavior. And it's not going to be easy to excuse her even now. She should be ostracized, and told to repost the advertisements she and her cronies tore down. The accomplices must be identified and ostracized as well.
“After review, we can confirm that one of the participants was part of an ADL high-school level summer internship in 2019,” a spokesperson for the organization told The Post.

“We fully condemn her actions and hope that the apology she issued is the first step towards working to repair the harm and deep hurt her actions caused.”

The ADL has since taken down a blog post announcing the Long Island native as one of the 12 student leaders joining the program, describing Deyhimi as “extremely passionate about fighting racial profiling and championing gender equality.”
As noted here:
While Jonathan Greenblatt has performed okay during the current crisis, I warned that the changes he made to the ADL have actually infected the group with extremists who hate Israel and Jews. [...]
If the ADL doesn't part ways with them collectively - say, if there's 20, to make sure all 20 are completely dismissed - then they shouldn't even continue to function as a movement at all. It's clear at this point they've failed their mission.

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