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Wednesday, October 25, 2023 

There must be no ceasefire until Hamas is obliterated

Rabbi Michael Barclay makes the vital point:
America and the world seem to have become like physically abused wives at the hands of terrorists. Thank God, it has been reported that Hamas is releasing some of the hostages they kidnapped. They are saying that this is a “demonstration” of how they want peace and are actually “reasonable.” “See,” say their supporters, “it is Israel that is actually unreasonable for wanting to destroy the victimized Hamas and Palestinians who just want to live side by side in freedom. It’s Israel that keeps escalating the situation and is a war monger that wants to kill children.”

And America and the world are going along with this craziness and acting as if this shows compassion on the part of Hamas. We are being told that this is a good faith gesture to create a lasting peace and should be responded to with negotiations for a ceasefire from Israel.

I apologize for the following not sounding “rabbinic” but…bull***t!

Hamas is evil. Period. It is the modern personification of Amalek. These are not “good” people, and they have entirely surrendered their souls in a pursuit of true evil. The moment that they consciously targeted the weak, children, and other civilians, they crossed a line from which they cannot return. Like ancient Amalek, targeting the weak is unforgivable.
That's why even the common citizen must make clear they expect a convincing effort to be made to put an end to one of the most evil jihadist movements on the globe.

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