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Tuesday, October 17, 2023 

What begins with Jews never ends with them

Ron Jager reminds everybody of the Islamic connections with the National Socialists during WW2, and how it never ends with just Jews:
The common thread unifying the desire for the total destruction of Jews is shared by both the radical Islamism of Hamas and Nazi ideology. This common bond of “purifying” humanity of any Jewish presence promoted and upheld by radical Islamism and Nazi ideology began during the early decades of the previous century. One cannot deny the nearly identical ideological and doctrinal models used by the Nazis and todays Hamas who promote the total annihilation of Jews and the state of Israel. Nazi ideology spoke of “redemptive anti-Semitism”, namely a form of anti-Semitism that explains all in the world by offering a form of “redemption” by exterminating and purifying humanity of the Jews. Hamas provides the same rational for murdering Jews and Israelis in particular. Hamas religious and political leaders broadcast daily sermons of incitement to murder Jews promising heaven and redemption for those that carry out this call to rid the world of Jews. [...]

The connection between the Palestinian Arabs and the Nazi regime in Germany however runs much deeper. A key player was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini who met covertly with representatives of the Nazi SS intelligence arm during the late 1930s, and not coincidently with Otto Adolf Eichmann, who was a German-Austrian Nazi SS-Obersturmbannführer and one of the major implementers of the Holocaust’s systematic annihilation and extermination of European Jewry. An interesting footnote to Al-Husseini’s family lineage; Yasser Arafat, deceased leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, an organization that was dedicated to the murdering of Jews and the destruction of the State of Israel, was a first nephew of Al-Husseini.

What starts with the Jews never ends with the Jews. The first airplane that was hijacked was an Israeli airplane, and today at every airport at every country in the world, we now line up for security checks, so the world should be concerned. The danger of dismissing the axis of Jew hatred as personified by the Palestinian Arab Hamas terror organization, the heads of the Iranian Regime, their paymasters in the Qatar Regime and the Palestinian Authority lead by Mohammed Abbas lies in there inherent danger for the whole world as today’s modern torch bearers of Nazism.
This is information that nobody sensible should overlook.

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