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Friday, November 10, 2023 

Germany's Islamic pandering leads to erasure of Anne Frank's name from kindergarten

Giulio Meotti's written about the absolutely disgusting caving in Germany to the Religion of Peace when it comes to one of the Holocaust's most recognizable victims:
Now a kindergarten in north-east Germany named after Anne Frank, the most famous victim of the Holocaust, will be renamed, again so as not to "irritate Muslims", which seems to have become Europe's main obsession.

For 53 years, the kindergarten in the charming town of Tangerhütte has borne the name of the Jewish girl, but the Muslim parents have launched a petition to change it. Employees also take issue with the name, saying something more “child-friendly” is needed and is “better suited to their concept.” Apparently, Anne Frank is no longer in line with the “new focus on diversity.”

The director of the kindergarten said that migrant children have difficulty understanding the Franks' story. In fact, after Hamas having massacred so many Israeli children as never before since the Shoah, what sense would it make to keep that name? Mayor Andreas Brohm – most likely referring to the war between Israel and Hamas and the resulting pro-Palestinian Arab demonstrations across Western Europe – said that many parents' desire to rename the nursery outweighs the global political situation. “Tangerhütte, with its educational institutions and all its civic engagement, represents an open-minded Germany,” the mayor said.

The kindergarten will be called “Explorers of the World”.

A pioneer asylum, given that within thirty years in Germany, according to the prestigious Pew Forum, there will be 17 million Muslims and Anne Frank is destined to change her surname to Akbar anyway.

But how did we come to erase the Jewish girl from Frankfurt who hid in Amsterdam while the "new Germans” attack the Jews?

By unashamedly transforming the Palestinian Arabs into the new Jews, and Israel into the new Nazis.

A guide from the Anne Frank Center in Berlin compared Anne to the Palestinian Arabs. The executioners have become victims and the victims of the executioners
. Masterstroke, Doktor Goebbels!

“What strikes me most is the globalization of hatred” says Alain Finkielkraut. “In France there are the Stars of David and these young people who allow themselves to proclaim their hatred against the Jews in the subway. But there is also an attempted pogrom in Dagestan, pro-Palestinian Arab demonstrations in Sydney, London, Tunis, Istanbul. The entire planet is gripped by a sort of murderous passion. What is worrying is the emerging alliance between Islamic Judeophobia and Wokism."

But now Berlin is the new Beirut, which as the "world book capital" designated by UNESCO was wise in deciding that Anne Frank's Diary could only be read in French (for Christians) or in English, but not in Farsi or in Arabic.

An image of Anne Frank with the Palestinian Arab keffiyeh is now widespread in every square in Europe
. Among the cartoons awarded by the Iranian regime, one shows Anne Frank in bed with Hitler, who tells her: "Write this in your diary."

Islamic regimes are the moral scum of humanity and those who are with them are doubly scum

But here we come to this crazy 2023: Muslim migrants unleash pf the hunt for Jews in Europe, while their tutors in the Middle East try to do away with the Jewish state by massacring 1,400 women, old people and children, and in the name of "diversity ” Anne Frank becomes an Islamic child, with migrants attacking those wearing Jewish signs throughout Europe.
That Anne Frank's had her image and history hijacked and appropriated for such Orwellian abominations only perpetuates the same hatred she fell victim to. This is all simply horrific, yet far from unexpected, and that goes double for all "history guides" who refuse to defend her dignity.

John Nolte's also commented on the subject:
If you were to ask me to name the world’s least controversial icons, Anne Frank would be at the top of that list. After two terrifying years of hiding in an attic, she was a child, a mere 15 years old, when the Nazis murdered her in Auschwitz, the most notorious of the Third Reich’s death camps. Anne Frank was the purest of victims at the hands of one of the purest evils the world has ever seen. But…

Some German migrants “find it challenging to explain” Anne Frank “to their children?”

This has nothing to do with any of that. This is the same antisemitic-from-the-river-to-the-sea Jewish hate impulse that we see tearing down posters of those kidnapped in Israel on October 7 by the savages in Hamas. It’s the opposite of “Never Again.” It’s “We Can Do It Again if We Erase the Memory of Jewish Victims.”

And then for the town to agree to such an obscene request…Naturally, it is justifying this obscenity under the sheep’s clothing of “diversity.”

Good heavens, the crimes committed against enlightenment in the name of diversity are now legion…

[...] We no longer need to ask, How was something like the Holocaust allowed to happen? We see it in Democrat-run cities across our own country. We see it on Democrat-run college campuses. We see it in the Democrat Party. We see it in the left-wing corporate media. And we see it in Germany here and here — in the flames of a synagogue.
Even during WW2, horrors like these happened. And now, under the guise of Orwellian wokeness, they're doing this again, and using the armies of darkness imported to the west and weapons and shields, along with their own Orwellian tactics.

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