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Sunday, December 03, 2023 

Terrorist attack in Paris

A terrorist attack by a Muslim with a knife in Paris occurred some distance from the Eiffel Tower, and one man was murdered:
Paris police arrested a man on Saturday evening after he allegedly killed one man and injured another two while shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’.

UPDATE 2350: The alleged attacker, referred to only Armand R, reportedly carried out the stabbing spree in Paris on Saturday evening near the Eiffel Tower in response to the conflict in the Middle East, Le Parisien reports. According to Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, the attacker accused France of being “complicit” in Israel’s conflict with Hamas. He also reportedly said that he could no longer stand “that Muslims die both in Afghanistan and in Palestine” and therefore wanted to die as a martyr. It has been reported that while he was born in France, his family originally hailed from Iran.
How much longer are they going to allow these violent invaders to reach European shores and commit such acts of evil?

Update: meanwhile, over in the USA, Congress voted to expel George Santos, but not Rashida Tlaib, despite her behavior being far worse. Shawn Fleetwood says the GOP's failure over such issues speaks volumes.

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