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Monday, February 19, 2024 

Even the Hezbollah built tunnels

According to a recent study, Hezbollah jihadists in Lebanon built even more tunnels than the Hamas did in Gaza:
The French newspaper Libération reported that according to its investigation, the tunnel network dug by the Hezbollah terrorist organization is even more extensive and sophisticated than the tunnel system created by Hamas under the Gaza Strip.

The tunnels dug by Hezbollah over the last 30 years are hundreds of kilometers in total length and descend to a depth of up to 80 meters. The tunnels were dug through stone, with the aid of North Korean technology.

According to the report, Hezbollah's tunnels extend underneath Lebanon's borders with Syria and Israel and violate the sovereign territory of both countries.
It's clear the IDF has a lot more to deal with in the long run. All because of what began under Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres, in example, when they signed the Oslo accords.

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