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Sunday, May 12, 2024 

Eden Golan wins 5th spot in Eurovision, but a "non-binary" singer sadly wins 1st

Israeli singer Golan won 5th place at Eurovision, mainly because there were a lot of people supporting her after the repulsive hostility by anti-Israel activists, but the one to win 1st was, most unfortunately, an "identity politician":
Switzerland’s self-described “non-binary” rapper Nemo has won the 68th edition of the Eurovision Song Contest, with the song “The Code”.

Held in Malmö, this year’s Eurovision contest was marred by anti-Israel demonstrations in the multicultural Swedish city over the participation of 20-year-old Russian-Israeli singer Eden Golan.

While Golan received large support from the public, receiving a surprising 338 points from the audience vote — temporarily putting Israel in the lead — Golan ultimately ended up in fifth place
. Meanwhile, Britain’s Olly Alexander received an embarrassing zero votes from the public, many of whom cast their votes in favour of Golan, in an apparent protest against the large-scale anti-Israel demonstrations.

It was Swiss rapper Nemo who came out on top at the end with a total of 591 votes from the public and Eurovision judges, becoming the first so-called “non-binary” performer — demanding to be addressed by they/them pronouns — to win the contest and the third contestant to win the contest, following Lys Assia in the first edition of the contest in 1956 and Celine Dion in 1988. [...]

Nemo was not the only “non-binary” contestant this year, with Ireland’s entry, Bambie Thug, who claims to practice “neo-pagan blood magic” also identifying as such and demanding “they/them” pronouns.
It wouldn't be shocking if this was rigged, and it's quite appalling regardless, because artists like Nemo milk these moments for all they're worth to virtue-signal.

It's great Golan won the rank she did, but if the matter involving Nemo is any indication, Eurovision is deteriorating, and that Bambie Thug singer is also a bad lot, though her attempts to get Israel barred from the event only had the opposite effect, including in Ireland itself:
The Irish public may not be as on board with the anti-Israel antics of occultist Eurovision contestant Bambie Thug as the woke establishment would have believed, with Jewish singer Eden Golan receiving the second-most viewer votes of any contestant from the Emerald Isle.

Despite the pop music competition’s supposed commitment to political neutrality, the 68th Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö was dominated this year by the conflict between Israel and Hamas, with thousands pouring out onto the streets of the heavily Islamic Swedish city and anti-Israel contestants such as Ireland’s “non-binary” Bambie Thug attempting to have Israel barred from the contest.

However, while the pro-Hamas contingent was loud — frequently booing Israel’s Golan during her performances — the viewing public largely backed the 20-year-old Jewish singer, who received 323 votes from the television audience, more than any other performer besides Croatia’s Baby Lasagna. The Russian-Israeli singer also won the “rest of the world” vote. However, Eden Golan ultimately wound up in fifth place, having been largely snubbed by the jury members, who only awarded her 52 points.

Meanwhile, Ireland’s Bambie Thug was carried to a sixth-place finish by the jury vote, receiving 142 votes from the jurors after only gaining 136 votes from the public. In a further embarrassment for the London-based “non-binary” singer and self-described “witch”, voters in her native Ireland awarded 10 points to Israel, the second most for any performer.

This came despite public attempts from the anti-Israel performer to have the Jewish delegation barred
over alleged violations of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) rules — apparently for pointing out the Satanic elements in her performances — and filing official complaints in the hopes of disqualifying Israel from next year’s competition.

Bambie Thug went on to claim that she “cried with her team” after it was revealed Israel had reached the Eurovision finals.
Keep sobbing, please. All people like her did was prove how anti-semitic LGBT practitioners can be, and even demeaning to the fairer sex, or in Thug's case, self-hating. It'll take ages to mend the damage all this LGBT indoctrination caused.

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