Rachel Avraham continues her obsession with invalidating Armenia
Two countries are set to be impacted by Trump's strategic moves: the first is, of course, Israel, which is engaged in a difficult war against Islamist terror organizations in the region. The second is Azerbaijan, a country that borders Iran, is an ally of Turkey, and a true friend of Israel. Azerbaijan is a pro-Israel country, despite its majority Shia Muslim population, which, logically, should make it a staunch supporter of its southern neighbor, Iran. But it is not, which creates strategic threats to Azerbaijan's survival, just as in the past.But Turkey is an enemny of Israel, so I'm confused as to what she's babbling about here, right down to how she obscures any wrongdoing on Azerbaijan's part, which recently included destruction of Armenia's Christian heritages in Arsakh. And does she understand that not all Islamists side with one another? The Religion of Peace practically allows fighting between 2 clans who both follow it, one of the reasons why the wars between Iraq and Iran years before.
We need to understand that when Iran weakens a pro-Western country in the Middle East, it sends a message to all other pro-Western nations not to engage with it. More importantly, Iran strengthens itself in the process. Therefore, we can certainly expect the Trump administration to bolster those countries seeking peace with the West, and Azerbaijan is among them. In fact, President Trump views a strong Azerbaijan to be key to stability in the South Caucuses. The Americans will utilize Azerbaijan in order to strengthen the relationship between Israel and Turkey, as well as to confront Iranian aggression in the region.To say the Democrats are allegedly influenced by an "Armenian lobby" is about as effective as saying the Republicans are influenced by the Jewish lobby. And while I'm aware of any wrongdoing Armenia's committed, including any positions their government took that are harmful to Israel, that doesn't excuse whatever horrors Islamofascists committed against them, past, present or future. No sane person should have to make choice between Iran or Azerbaijan, nor should they be deceived by taqqiya. And does it occur to Avraham that the Democrats have sold out to Islam, and won't convincingly oppose Azerbaijan's antics?
The Democrats did not view the region in this manner, as they are heavily influenced by the Armenian lobby. However, the Republicans are less influenced by the Armenian lobby and therefore are more likely to see the merits that Azerbaijan has to offer than their Democratic opponents. Therefore, a Trump presidency is likely to pressure Armenia to make peace with Azerbaijan and Turkey, so that the Armenians can be distanced from the Iranians, rather than embolden hard-liner Armenian positions.
Mrs. Avraham continues to be a shoddy disgrace who even downplays the serious issues of Islam, all for the sake of bizarre virtue-signaling, and the worst part is that she likely doesn't give a damn if Azerbaijan's military commits horrors anew.
Labels: anti-semitism, Armenia, Asia, Christianity, dhimmitude, iran, islam, jihad, misogyny, Moonbattery, racism, sexual violence, terrorism, turkey, United States, war on terror