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Thursday, May 25, 2006 

Le Pen's daughter is against free trade

And if Marine Le Pen can be against free market trade, as reported by Liberation (via No-Pasaran), her father, the notorious Jean-Marie can't be far behind. So we know where the Front National stands on representation. Namely, they represent the rich.

She also attacked Nicholas Sarkozy by calling him a "little American". She may not think so, but she's actually being quite kind to him.

While I'm on the subject, while it may not have ever really been discussed, if Jean-Marie Le Pen is racist and anti-semitic, is it possible that he could be sexist as well? Being married and having a daughter is no proof that he isn't. After all, Walt Disney was married and had a daughter, but he was still as sexist as he was bigoted, and he was also very heavily influenced in his case by the Brothers Grimm.

So if Disney was a misogynist, then who knows? Maybe Le Pen is too, one more reason why women should be on the lookout for characters like him. Because, he could be plagued with double-think.

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