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Friday, May 26, 2006 

Mahmoud Abbas calls terrorists "our heroes"

Just shortly after Ehud Olmert whitewashed Mahmoud Abbas, the terrorist who was a financier in the attack on Israeli atheletes in Munich went and showed that he's no different than he was before:
Just two days after PM Olmert called him a "very decent human being" who is "opposed to terror," PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas call Palestinian terrorists "our heroes."

While Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen, takes on the position of "moderate" and attempts to convince Hamas to accept Judea and Samaria for now, his words to audiences at home present a different picture.

Palestinian Media Watch, an organization that monitors and reports on anti-Israel hatred in the PA media, reveals that Abbas twice this week referred to Arab terrorists serving "tens of life sentences" in Israeli jails as "our heroes." PMW's Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook report that the terrorists referred to are "arch-terrorists who have personally killed tens of Israelis and are sentenced to one life sentence for each murder."


Click here to read PMW's bulletin, PA on Terror: 'Condemns' on paper, Praises in practice.

"Israeli and Western leaders are so eager to find a viable partner for peace," write Marcus and Crook, "that they often mistake Palestinian Authority leaders' 'lip service' in English as statements of truly peaceful intentions. But as PMW has reported for the past decade, the only way to understand these leaders' real opinions is to pay attention to what they are telling their own people in Arabic. These are the only messages that count."
Now is this the kind of person who deserves to be a political leader of any kind?

On the subject of Abbas being a financier for terrorism, here's what Sports Illustrated had to say in 2002:
Though he didn't know what the money was being spent for, longtime Fatah official Mahmoud Abbas, a.k.a. Abu Mazen, was responsible for the financing of the Munich attack. Abu Mazen could not be reached for comment regarding Abu Daoud's allegation. After Oslo in 1993, Abu Mazen went to the White House Rose Garden for a photo op with Arafat, President Bill Clinton and Israel's Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. "Do you think that ... would have been possible if the Israelis had known that Abu Mazen was the financier of our operation?" Abu Daoud writes. "I doubt it." Today the Bush Administration seeks a Palestinian negotiating partner "uncompromised by terror," yet last year Abu Mazen met in Washington with Secretary of State Colin Powell.
I'm not sure whether that's Abu Daoud or Abbas whom SI is saying "didn't know what the money was being spent for", but I'd strongly advise not to just take it at face value (this IS a CNN-owned magazine, after all). The following 2003 press release from the Israel Law Center provides some better insight:
The Israeli civil rights group Shurat Hadin has announced a campaign to convince U.S. and German law enforcement agencies to open an investigation into the role of newly-appointed Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Abu Mazen in the massacre of eleven Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, Germany.

On September 5, 1972, a squad of heavily armed Palestinian terrorists attacked the dormitories housing the Israeli Olympic team and murdered a coach and weight-lifter David Berger, who was an American citizen. The terrorists then took nine Israeli athletes hostage. While the terrorists and their hostages were transported to the airport, the German police botched a rescue attempt and all nine of the athletes were murdered.

The director of Shurat Hadin, attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, sent letters this week to U.S. President George W. Bush and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder containing new information indicating that that Abu Mazen (whose given name is Mahmoud Abbas) provided financing to the PLO’s Black September terrorist group, in order to carry out the notorious terrorist attack at the 1972 Olympic Games.

While recent newsmedia profiles of Abu Mazen have accentuated the Palestinian leader’s alleged “terrorism-free” personal history, the Shurat Hadin charges that in 1972, Abu Mazen, then a high ranking PLO official, provided financing for the terrorist attacks being perpetrated by Yassir Arafat’s PLO faction Fatah under the nom de guerre "Black September."
And, from Freeman.Org (via Elder of Zion):
Daoud also was interviewed about the Munich massacre for a film called "One Day in September," produced by John Battsek and Arthur Cohn for Sony Pictures Classics. Director Kevin Macdonald said Abu Daoud admitted Black September was merely the cover name adopted by Fatah members when they wanted to carry out terrorist attacks.

The PLO operative recalled how Arafat and Abu Mazen both wished him luck and kissed him when he set about organizing the Munich attack.
So anyway, what's the blogger at The Ninth State doing acting as if everything's fine? Seeing this, I have to wonder what the internet was ever invented for.


Hi, thanks for your reply. I must admit I had some confusion in seeing that part.

In fairness, I would like to note though that "palestine" was originally a name given to the Land of Israel by the Roman empire around the time of the Bar Kochva revolution. It was never the name of an Arabic/Islamic country, although a British diplomat named Christopher Mayhew did take to twisting it out of its original context in the past several decades, for pro-Islamist propaganda purposes.

As for Olmert, I'd like to note that whatever his speech talents, he's got a considerable record of illegal activities, which includes his having tried to fleece the members of my favorite soccer team, Beter Jerusalem, of funding for his own greedy purposes.

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