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Friday, October 05, 2018 

Anti-semites and pro-abortion activists are behind anti-Kavanaugh protest in D.C

Anti-Israeli activists like Linda Sarsour are among the leftist extremists gathering in Washington D.C to protest the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the supreme court:
The left-wing activists behind the anti-Trump Women’s March staged after President Donald Trump’s 2016 election are part of the effort to protest Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday outside the E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse in Washington, DC, where Kavanaugh serves as a federal judge.

This includes anti-Semite, anti-Israel Linda Sarsour, co-founder of the Women’s March, as well as Ultraviolet, Black Lives Matter, and Planned Parenthood.

These groups claim their goal is to support sexual assault “survivor” Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Kavanaugh of misconduct at a high school party in the early 1980s. Following 30-plus hours of confirmation hearings, the FBI is conducting supplemental background checks on Ford, Kavanaugh, and others this week because of Ford’s allegations.
Never mind that the alleged "victim" has questionable claims, what's telling here is when such repellent people are the ones coming to "take her side", which they obviously wouldn't if she were a Republican. If Kavanaugh's accuser is wise, she'll distance herself from these groups, because a woman like Sarsour who attacked Ayaan Hirsi Ali so repulsively is not a true representative of women's rights, and is only pretending to be offended.

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Ayaan Hirsi (ex-Muslim, now atheist) 2015 March 20 said:

“…the call to violence and the justification for it
are explicitly stated in the sacred texts of Islam.”


The Wall Street Journal, quoted
by Bernard Goldberg 2016/1/19 in the article:
When Is a Crime Committed in the
Name of Allah Not About Islam?

in Jewish World Review:

Ayaan Hirsi Ali (an ex-Muslim) said on 2009 March 21:

“Islam is NOT a religion of peace.

It is a political theory of conquest that
seeks domination by any means it can.

Every accommodation of Muslim demands
leads to a sense of euphoria and a
conviction that Allah is on their side.

They see every act of appeasement as
an invitation to make fresh demands.”

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Muslim-born Somalian-born
former Member of the Dutch Parliament, born in 1969.

Dennis Prager said:

“According to Pew Research, approximately
10 percent of world Muslims have a favorable
opinion of the Islamic State and terror against
civilians. That's more than 100 million people.”

SOURCE: The World Is Getting Worse
But This Time America Won't Save It

by Dennis Prager, 2016 March 8,
seen in Jewish World Review


If you want the truth about Israel
and the Middle East, then do not waste
your time with the FAKE NEWS
of The New York Times and the
Israel-bashing mainstream-news-media.

Instead, visit these web sites:







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