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Sunday, October 07, 2018 

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's bad for Israel

Anti-Israeli activist Linda Sarsour spoke positively of fishy senator Gillibrand at one of her incitement gatherings, this one against Brett Kavanaugh prior to his appointment to the supreme court:
At a rally yesterday against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Women’s March organizer and anti-Israel activist Linda Sarsour introduced Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) to attendees as a politician “who works for us on the inside.” [...]

The controversial Sarsour co-hosted the Washington, D.C. rally on Thursday outside the Supreme Court together with another anti-Israel radical and fellow Women’s March organizer, Tamika Mallory. [...]

Chele Farley, Gillibrand’s Republican opponent in next month’s election, slammed the New York senator for rallying with Sarsour and Mallory despite the duo’s anti-Israel track record.

“Kirsten Gillibrand is a disgrace, she has abandoned New Yorkers, turned her back on Israel and is clearly focused on running for president in 2020,” said Farley in a campaign statement emailed to reporters.

“Gillibrand’s actions are part of a dangerous and emerging pattern where the far left of the Democratic Party, led by Kirsten Gillibrand, is becoming highly critical of Israel almost as a default position,” Farley added. [...]

Gillibrand’s office did not respond when major Jewish groups urged the New York senator to retract her praise considering Sarsour’s anti-Israel comments, including tweeting that “Nothing is creepier than Zionism.”

Sarsour also claimed one cannot be a Zionist and a feminist even though Israel is the only country in the Middle East where women have equal rights and the Islamic nations that Sarsour champions are well-known abusers of women’s most basic rights.

Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center attempted to appeal to Gillibrand’s sensibilities over her support for Sarsour. “I think the Jewish community in New York and across the U.S. has a lot of respect for the senator, but she may want to reevaluate the statement in Time magazine,” Cooper said. “If someone is in effect saying you have to make a choice between being a progressive woman or a Zionist, the senator, reflecting on such comments, would I hope make a different type of statement.”

“Linda Sarsour spends most of her waking hours working to delegitimize Israel and its supporters,” Daniel Mariaschin, the Executive Vice President of B’nai B’rith International, commented. “We’d ask Senator Gillibrand to recognize that you can’t compartmentalize on these things. It isn’t enough to say, ‘You know, she worked on the Women’s March, and therefore she deserves this kind of recognition.’”
Absolutely not, and neither does Gillibrand. The NY Jewish community shouldn't vote for her if this is the mindset she goes by.

And here's 5 reasons why Gillibrand's bad for Israel. For example:
1 – Gillibrand broke from the mainstream of the Democratic party when she withdrew support from the “Israel Anti-Boycott Act,” which opposes the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement targeting Israel.

The bipartisan bill would impose monetary penalties on those working in an “official commercial capacity” who support any international government’s efforts to boycott Israel.

Gillibrand withdrew her support for the pro-Israel legislation after meeting with the heavily George Soros-funded American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on the matter and her initial sponsorship for the anti-BDS bill was questioned at town halls by such radical anti-Israel groups as Jewish Voice for Peace and the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, both of which support the BDS movement.
It gets worse with the following:
2 – Gillibrand provided key support for President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, which the Israeli government strongly opposed over security concerns. She also opposed Trump’s decision to leave the Iran accord in hopes of negotiating a better deal.

“I strongly oppose President Trump’s shortsighted and dangerous decision to leave the JCPOA,” she announced, referring to the nuclear agreement.
This too, is an outrage. To think she'd turn her back on the serious issue of Iranian terrorism, and even the totalitarian regime in the country itself, where sharia oppresses countless women in the most terrible ways. No sane person should vote for her in the coming election this year, because if she's bad for Israel, she's bad for the USA as well.

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Fundamentalist Islam is targeting African Americans in an attempt to bypass security profiling that would normally draw attention to terrorist operations.

This approach takes advantage of any resentment toward the white establishment and provides Fundamentalist Islam with terrorists who do not fit the usual profiles.

Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri, number-two man in Al Qaeda, has stated publicly:

“I want blacks in America to know that we are waging
jihad to lift oppression from all mankind.”

What Zawahiri does not say is that Mohammed disliked the
black race immensely and referred to them as “raisin heads”
several times in the Hadith (1:662; 9:256).

Throughout the Hadith, blacks are also
referred to abeds, which means “black”
in Arabic, and is also synonymous with “slave”
or “filth”. In fact, Arab Muslims have enslaved
blacks for 1,400 years, and the black slave trade
is still thriving in the Sudan and Mauritania.

In examining the relationship between blacks and Islam,
readers will be surprised to find that throughout history,
Islam has placed blacks on the same level as barn animals.
Moreover, the barn is where most enslaved blacks are relegated
after they are kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam or die.

SOURCE: They Must Be Stopped: Why We
Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It

(chapter 4, page 82) by Brigitte Gabriel,
year 2008, year 2010, St. Martin’s Press,
288 pages, ISBN 0312571283 * ISBN 9780312571283.

“Too many people dismiss the prospect of a worldwide jihad occurring again.

In doing so, they misunderstand the ideology of original Islam or naively assume its resolve. Political correctness has literally paralyzed many in government and created an atmosphere in which fear of being called intolerant or an “Islamophobe” trumps concerns over safeguarding our lives and liberties.

Were we living in a time when weapons of mass destruction did not exist and global transportation was virtually impossible, a misread of this enemy might be excusable.

But we do not live in such a time. If an Islamic radical is willing to put his children in a car, buckle them in, fill the car with explosives, use the children as props to deceive the soldiers at a security checkpoint, and then detonate the bomb—with the children still in the car—what makes anyone believe such a radical would hesitate to detonate a nuclear bomb if he had a chance?”

SOURCE: They Must Be Stopped: Why We
Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It

(introduction chapter, page 5) by Brigitte Gabriel,
year 2008, year 2010, St. Martin’s Press, 288 pages,
ISBN 0312571283 * ISBN 9780312571283.

Even though slavery was abolished in [year] 1962 in Saudi Arabia, it is still practiced there today. Not only is the government aware that it still exists,
but religious and influential clerics sanction it.

Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, an opponent of anti-slavery laws and member of
the Senior Council of Clerics, Saudi Arabia’s highest religious body, said:
“Slavery is a part of Islam, and whoever wants it abolished is an infidel.”

SOURCE: They Must Be Stopped: Why We
Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It

(chapter 9, page 187) by Brigitte Gabriel,
year 2008, year 2010, St. Martin’s Press,
288 pages, ISBN 0312571283, ISBN 9780312571283.


“If you ever called Israel an apartheid state,
the word MORON was invented for you.”

I Vote Against You by Pat Condell, 2016 May 6
time = 3 minutes 10 seconds

Mr. Pat Condell is an atheist, who was born
in Ireland around 1950 CE, and raised in
England as a Roman Catholic, and educated
in Church of England schools.
He has no Jewish ancestors and no religious
beliefs that might cause him to favor Jews.

42% of French Muslims between from age 18 to 29 believe
that suicide bombings against civilians can be justified.

35% of British Muslims between from age 18 to 29 believe
that suicide bombings against civilians can be justified.

26% of American Muslims between from age 18 to 29
believe that suicide bombings against civilians can be justified.

SOURCE: By the Numbers, a YouTube video
by Raheel Raza, 2015 December 10

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