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Wednesday, December 28, 2022 

It's time for Whoopi Goldberg to retire

So-called comedienne Goldberg's been offensively distorting the Holocaust again, very blatantly:
The View is on vacation until 2023 but co-Host Whoopi Goldberg has still managed to get herself in hot water. In an interview with The Sunday Times of London over the weekend, Goldberg doubled down on her anti-Semitic revisionist history about the motive of the Holocaust, falsely suggesting it wasn’t about race and, and claiming European Jews easily could have evaded the Nazis because their skin wasn’t black.

In the interview, Goldberg tried to discount Nazi targeting of the Jews in the Holocaust as just a later addition to their murder list. “Remember who they were killing first. They were not killing racial; they were killing physical. They were killing people they considered to be mentally defective. And then they made this decision,” she told the interviewer.

Goldberg argued that, after being informed that the Nazis believed they were purging the world of inferior races, people should have stopped listening to them: “Yes, but that’s the killer, isn’t it? The oppressor is telling you what you are. Why are you believing them? They’re Nazis. Why believe what they’re saying?”

Either ignoring or ignorant of the fact that Nazis practiced a perverted form of phrenology (measuring proportions of the head to identify certain traits) and eugenics, Goldberg asserted Jews would have had an easier time evading the Nazis than she would have: “It doesn’t change the fact that you could not tell a Jew on a street. You could find me. You couldn’t find them. That was the point I was making.”

She failed to explain how this comported with Jews being placed in ghettos and needing to hide away, as with the famous example of Anne Frank and her family

As the cherry on top, she whined about how angry people had been at her comments earlier in the year. “But you would have thought that I’d taken a big old stinky dump on the table, butt naked,” she huffed.

This latest bout of Holocaust revisionism came nearly a year after she referred to it as merely white-on-white violence. “White people doing it to white people. So, this is y'all go fight amongst yourselves,” she proclaimed at the time (which NewsBusters was first on the scene to report). Adding: “Well also, if we're going to do this, then let's be truthful about it because the Holocaust isn't about race.”
Seriously, why does she go by a Jewish-style family name if that's what she's going to lecture everyone with? She never deserved the career she's had in over 3 decades, and it's going to be hard to enjoy any movies and TV shows she's appeared in since. Let's not forget this was somebody who also downplayed Bill Cosby's sexual offenses in the past decade since his own scandal came about.

There've been calls to ABC to fire her, and she's ostensibly retracting her comments:
Whoopi Goldberg has once again walked back her comments about the Holocaust as pressure mounts for Disney’s ABC to fire her from The View.

In a statement issued Tuesday, Goldberg apologized for her remarks made during a recent interview with the Sunday Times of London in which she doubled down on her earlier comments claiming that the extermination of Jews during the Holocaust wasn’t racially motivated.
Her full statement is as follows:
Recently while doing press in London, I was asked about my comments from earlier this year. I tried to convey to the reporter what I had said and why, and attempted to recount that time. It was never my intention to appear as if I was doubling down on hurtful comments, especially after talking with and hearing people like rabbis and old and new friends weighing in. I’m still learning a lot and believe me, I heard everything everyone said to me. I believe that the Holocaust was about race, and I am still as sorry now as I was then that I upset, hurt and angered people. My sincere apologies again, especially to everyone who thought this was a fresh rehash of the subject. I promise it was not. In this time of rising antisemitism, I want to be very clear when I say that I always stood with the Jewish people and always will. My support for them has not wavered and never will.
Forget it, you're telling us this much too late, and please, change your last name. Goldberg doesn't speak for the Jewish community any more than Biden's "assistant secretary of health", who's a very bad lot himself, pretending to be a woman as he does. Goldberg's only proven an embarrassment who should be retiring from the entertainment business already, seeing how she's one of countless ideologues who can't bring themselves to avoid making atrocious statements that could've been avoided.

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