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Tuesday, April 04, 2023 

What the Democrats' ice-cold relationship with Israel is really about

Shoshana Bryen explains the hostility Joe Biden and the Democrats have in regards to Israel, and it's not really about the need for judicial reform:
It was never about Israel’s judiciary.

How can you tell? First, because the Biden administration — and left-wing Democrats in general — are arguing FOR a position in Israel they are arguing AGAINST in the United States.

Having contemplated stacking the U.S. Supreme Court to dilute the power of Republican appointed justices, they find themselves promoting an Israeli Supreme Court with no constraints. Israel has no constitution against which a court can measure laws passed by the Knesset, and no requirement that cases present a legal concern.
Regarding the Democrat desire to pack SCOTUS, of course that's appalling, though don't be surprised, based on where things are going with the petty indictment of Donald Trump, if the Democrats would want to change the way SCOTUS operates, and make it more like Israel's setup instead.
The Biden administration centers precisely on those two issues. Israel’s center-right-to-right is not an acceptable partner. Not to mention that the return of Netanyahu is the return of Mephistopheles.

This works out oddly in the Israeli context because the unacceptability of a Palestinian state in the current context, and the unremitting threat posed by Iran in its terrorist, conventional and nuclear modes are the two things the current and the prior governments of Israel agree upon.

Regarding Iran, there is simply no daylight. On the Palestinians, focusing on the Abraham Accords was a way to make progress in the region while waiting to see whether the Palestinians could become a partner. And an alliance with Sunni Arab states in the Abraham Accords provided some balance and stability against Iran.
Read it all, and see how unserious Biden's bunch is about anything. And their mindset's one that also extends back into the USA, as exemplified by the way Democrat-run cities are turning into horror stories when it comes to violent crime, as in NYC. When leftist politicians cause trouble for another country, chances are they'll soon apply those troubles back in their home country proper.

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