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Monday, July 03, 2023 

Backlash builds against LGBTQ ideology both in USA and in Israel

Gary Bauer discusses the growing opposition to LGBTQ ideology in the USA, and also in Israel:
The neo-Marxist ideology that demands we deny reality and bow before it, is a dangerous disease that is foreign to fundamental American values.

And it is already making its mark in Israel. Look at the protests and threats against a pro-traditional family rally in Mitzpe Ramon and the cancelling and then shouts trying to drown out the launching of the Hebrew translation of Avigail Shrier's book on transgenderism and children, the Magen David Adom forms with parent 1 and parent 2. However, in Israel, the backlash is growing, as coalition decisions, various protests and the recent march against the pride parade in Mitzpe Ramon have shown.

The LGBTQ+ mafia has crossed a line, especially with its heavy and obscene emphasis on indoctrinating our children.

I’ve been disappointed that more husbands and fathers haven’t stood up and fought back. I’ve been disappointed that more women aren’t speaking out as boldly as Riley Gaines and J.K. Rowling. I hope it will happen.

But I am encouraged to see more and more young kids telling the left, “Get out of my face! I’m not going to salute your flag. I’m not going to lie by using your fake pronouns!”
When kids show they realize what's wrong with all this, that's encourging, and demonstrates intelligence too. Let's hope more opposition builds in Israel, and that the government will ensure children are kept safe from the horrors the LGBT movement has in store.

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