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Tuesday, July 04, 2023 

Times of Israel attacks Libs of TikTok while sugarcoating LGBTQ ideology

One of the most repellent liberal news sites in Israel besides papers like Haaretz has demonstrated their loyalty to LGBTQ causes while glossing over any wrongdoing they could possibly commit against children, and it comes in the form of this:
For decades, the Orthodox world has struggled with whether and how to accept LGBTQ people. Nearly all modern interpretations of Orthodox law forbid same-sex relations, though recently a number of Orthodox public figures have come out as queer. On the other side of the coin, some of the most prominent anti-LGBTQ voices on the internet, including Chaya Raichik, creator of the social media account Libs of TikTok, are also Orthodox Jews. Raichik is one of the most prominent purveyors of the slur that LGBTQ people seek to “groom” or otherwise harm children.
And this "news site" is purveying the slur that anybody who commits an Orwellian Thoughtcrime is nothing more than a "liar". Not to mention obscuring some of the most chilling acts of blatancy and signals of danger that're going on in the USA right now. This also strongly hints where such a site really stands when it comes to figures like Yehuda Meshi-Zahav and Chaim Walder, who committed acts of homosexual rape along with the heterosexual ones; notice how many of the LGBTQ movements they serve as apologists for never seem to condemn such figures in Haredi/religious communities, even though they're not really considered "one of their own". I guess the reason they don't is because not only would they draw attention to something that affects non-Haredi homosexual communities as well, it'd also help prove why homosexuality is a psychological issue, and insular religious practices are what really put the keys in the ignition for breeding homosexuality/transsexuality as the centuries went by.

Let stuff like this serve to explain why it'd be better not to advertise with Times of Israel, if this is what they're going to fluff-coat at the expense of children.

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