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Tuesday, July 04, 2023 

IDF operates in Jenin

To combat jihadists who struck Israel of recent, the IDF's conducted war in Jenin:
Israel used drones to strike targets in a terrorist stronghold early Monday and deployed hundreds of troops in the area, in an incursion that resembled the wide-scale military operations carried out during the second Palestinian uprising two decades ago. Palestinian health officials said at least eight Palestinians were killed and dozens wounded.

Troops remained inside the Jenin refugee camp at midday Monday, pushing ahead with the largest operation in the area during more than a year of fighting. It came at a time of growing domestic pressure for a tough response to a series of attacks on Israeli settlers, including a shooting attack last month that killed four Israelis.

Black smoke rose from the crowded streets of the camp, exchanges of fire rang out and the buzzing of drones could be heard overhead as the military pressed on. Residents said electricity was cut off in some parts and military bulldozers plowed through narrow streets, damaging buildings as they cleared the way for Israeli forces. The Palestinians and neighboring Jordan condemned the violence. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant huddled with top military commanders and said the operation was "proceeding as planned." He said Israel had dealt "a major blow" to local terrorist groups but gave no indication when the incursion would end.
If they end it simply because the USA/Europe demanded it, they'll be succumbing classically to political correctness. If they want to prove themselves, they'll have to continue the operation in Jenin for a long time, but only when they decide to put a stop to Islamism will they really be getting anywhere.

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