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Wednesday, July 05, 2023 

Feminists of the yesteryear led to the LGBT harm to women we're seeing today

A vital point is made here as to how it got to a point where men pretending to be women would end up destroying women's rights to privacy in even worse ways than women ever did to men:
Before anyone worried about a 300 lb bearded man sharing dressing rooms, saunas, and sports teams with the fairer sex, the war on single sex spaces was being waged by feminists.

During the 1970s, feminists demanded access to all-male clubs and insisted that female sports reporters had the right to interview half-naked male athletes. The consensual single-sex male space had all but disappeared in the new century except as a distant memory. The triumph of feminism further atomized male spaces and communities while leaving female ones intact.

By the next decade, books like Hannah Rosin’s ‘The End of Men (and the Rise of Women)’ forecast a world in which masculinity had been reduced to an evolutionary dead end. Such hollow triumphalism still persists in some feminist circles, but, as any biologist could have explained, the end of men foreshadowed the end of women.

Men and women cannot in the long run exist without each other either biologically or societally

The feminist movement is using the same tactics against women that it did against men. Feminism was not a preference for women over men, as its useful idiots thought, but a profound hostility to the family and the biological duality on which it was based. When feminism campaigned around the idea that women were no different than men, too few understood at the time that what it really meant was that neither men nor women existed as unique beings.

Once the end had come for men, it would also come for women.

The opposition of some feminists to the transgender movement may be courageous, but it’s also hypocritical and self-serving. Did feminists really think that male single-sex spaces would be dismantled while female single-sex spaces would be left intact? The feminist movement, like every other leftist identity politics cause, consisted of chauvinists and leftists. The chauvinists believe in the supremacy of the group while the leftists believe in abolishing the groups.
While a possible difference historically is that, unlike today's male transsexual extremists, the feminist movements of the past weren't demanding to use the same bathrooms and changing rooms as men, what left-wing feminists did was still very monumentally stupid, and now, it's led to situations even worse for women than for men. Instead of developing their own clubs, feminists could only think of demanding to join male clubs, with surely the most hilarious part being that the menfolk in said clubs were mainly heterosexual. Now, we're seeing the terrible fallout caused by irresponsible ideologues, with the worst part being the feminists aren't even the least bit sorry for what they led to.

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