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Thursday, October 05, 2023 

Haredi hooligans cause outrage by targeting Christians in Old City

What's truly stupefying is that these same hoodlums won't target Islamists as they do Christians, and a scandal erupted after video footage was taken of some ultra-Orthodox men and boys who were spitting at Christians in the Old City:
Ultra-Orthodox Jews, including children, were filmed on Monday spitting toward Christian worshippers in the Old City of Jerusalem, amid a rise in incidents targeting priests and pilgrims in the capital.

The attack was met with wide condemnation by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials, including politicians from the Haredi community, who rejected the idea that spitting was a Jewish tradition or religious imperative.

In a video posted online by a reporter for the Haaretz daily, a group of Christians exiting a church carrying a wooden cross are seen walking by a group of religious Jews heading the other direction. Several of the Jews then spit on the ground in the direction of the Christians as they pass.

Some of the people in the clip appear to be ultra-Orthodox minors who spit at the Christians after seeing an adult man do so.

A border police officer walking behind the Jewish worshippers does not take any action in response to the spitting. It was unclear if he could have viewed the spitting from his vantage point.
But if the officer did notice, then that's another serious error on the part of law enforcement, which has fortunately since arrested a few of the offenders.
Netanyahu tweeted that “Israel is totally committed to safeguard the sacred right of worship and pilgrimage to the holy sites of all faiths. I strongly condemn any attempt to intimidate worshippers, and I am committed to taking immediate and decisive action against it.”

He added: “Derogatory conduct towards worshipers is sacrilege and is simply unacceptable. Any form of hostility towards individuals engaged in worship will not be tolerated.”

Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi David Lau spoke out against the incident, saying “such phenomena are unwarranted and certainly should not be attributed to Jewish law.”

Religion Minister Michael Malkieli from the ultra-Orthodox Shas party also condemned the incident, saying “this is not the way of the Torah, and there is no rabbi that supports or gives legitimacy to this reprehensible behavior.”

Housing Minister Yitzchak Goldknopf, head of the Ashkenazi Haredi United Torah Judaism alliance, said that “our Holy Torah commands us to act respectfully toward every person, no matter his belief, religion, or origin.”
Regarding the Haredi politicians, it's a shame they didn't always respond this way when non-Haredi women were spat at in past years, which could be considered an extension of such behavior. As noted before, chances are far less that they'd spit at Muslims as they did women and Christians, which just makes clear these moonbats are looking for easy targets out of cowardice. Presumably, because this involves foreign sources, that's why they're responding more noticeably.
Several officials expressed worries that the spitting attacks were harming Israel’s standing among pilgrims, a major source of incoming tourism.

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said the spitting “does not represent Jewish values.”

Tourism Minister Haim Katz called the idea that spitting on Christians is a Jewish custom “pathetic.”

“Instead of being a light to the nations, the actions of a handful of extremists are bringing hatred on Judaism and on the Jewish people, and are harming Israel’s image and tourism. Zero tolerance must be shown toward any religious symbols,” he said in a statement. [...]

Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, who has led efforts in the city council to combat harassment of Christians, said police were beginning to take the issue seriously.

“We should have zero tolerance for these hooligans who are driven by miseducation and hatred, attacking peaceful worshipers anywhere in the city,” she told The Times of Israel. “After months of lobbying, we are pleased the police is taking action and arresting those responsible.”

According to police in August, 16 investigations were opened this year, and 21 arrests and detentions had been carried out in connection with attacks on Christians. [...]

Catholic clergy told The Times of Israel last month that officers have been dressing as priests and monks in the Old City to catch those harassing Christians.
Thank goodness now authorities are taking action. This could lead to more antisemitism, which is the last thing we need when there's Islamofascists and LGBT extremists running amok. Here's some more coverage:
Tourism Minister Haim Katz added, "Spitting on Christians is a reprehensible and disgraceful act. 'Love your neighbor as yourself' is a fundamental principle in the Torah and Judaism. Instead of being a light unto the nations, the actions of extremists like this harm Judaism, the Jewish people, and Israel's reputation. We must show zero tolerance for those who engage in such behavior."

In response to the incident, Member of Knesset Elazar Stern (Likud) proposed legislation that would classify spitting on people based on their religion as an act of violence, allowing for legal action against perpetrators.
That would also be good for women's safety, recalling the terrible incidents in Beit Shemesh over a decade ago, when Bnot Orot was harrassed by Haredi extremists.

This atrocious news was also picked up by the very anti-Israeli UK Guardian, so I hope the disgusting said thugs are happy at how this'll all be twisted to villify all Judaists by extension, no matter the sect. An envoy from the Vatican warns this could lead to antisemitism:
Father Francesco Patton, the Vatican's custodian of Christian sites in Israel, said pilgrims are wary of visiting Israel amid the growing violence against members of the Church and against holy sites. In a rare interview with Ynet's sister publication Calcalist, Patton said such incidents were immediately reported around the world and that he hears reactions from diplomats, political leaders and members of the press. He warned that there is a real danger that such incidents could ignite antisemitism.

"I was shocked at how quickly different Christian communities became targets of such attacks. Lutherans, Maronites, Armenians, Greek Orthodox, all of us are targets," He said.

Since the beginning of 2023, attacks against churches and clergy and desecration of religious sites have been on the rise. "In one week the Maronite monastery in Ma'a lot was attacked, graves in a Protestant cemetery in Jerusalem were vandalized and graffiti on an Armenian monastery said "Death to Christians. In addition, a statue of Jesus near a gate to the Old City was desecrated when a Jew took a hammer to it."
And what if it turns out left-wing extremists paid the offenders to do it? That'd just make clear the spitters are perfectly fine with anti-Israel sentiment; they're practically furthering it with these offensive acts of theirs, right down to the vandalism. It's also interesting to note that an Arab/Muslim now spat at Jews in the Old City, and whether or not the police will respond effectively, those pseudo-Judaists who spat upon Christians sure caused a lot of trouble that'll take ages to mend.

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