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Wednesday, October 04, 2023 

Sports movements ban men from competing in women's categories

Some common sense has prevailed in international sports competitions:
Male-born anglers have been banned from competing in women’s categories in an official ruling made by the governing body of the international angling sport federation.

The new rule revealed by Prof Ugo Claudio Matteoli, the president of the Confédération Internationale de la Pêche Sportive (international sport fishing confederation), maintains that male-born transgender fishing contestants will not be allowed to compete as women.

The new rule was announced after England’s ladies’ angling team refused to compete in the world championships on the tale of a decision that was made to allow a man to compete in the women’s category, according to the Telegraph.

“In line with the recent debates wondering around the question whether it is fair to let transgender [women] participate in female competitions, we have finally concluded that this eventuality is absolutely discriminatory, especially in those disciplines where the physical strength can make a difference,” Matteoli’s Sept. 29 statement said.

Matteoli added that the sport does not have the infrastructure to test for testosterone levels at its events and that starting immediately, the ban would go into effect at “some female dedicated competitions.”

Birth certificates will also be required if a challenge is made
, Matteoli added.
A wise decision. To allow them to compete in the first place, in pure Orwellian fashion, was utter contempt for women, and just one of many examples of how misogyny is still a very serious issue. All this kowtowing has to cease.

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