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Tuesday, October 03, 2023 

Oregon school allowed transsexual boy to continue attending even after he violently assaulted girl students

One of the most horrific things about the transsexual ideology that's sadly become commonplace mainly in the USA is that it unleashed a whole tidal wave of misogyny and sexual violence. Here's one of the latest examples that took place at a school in Oregon, one of the worst places you could be in the USA now besides New York and Minnesota:
After a boy passing as a girl beat up another girl in the halls of a Portland, Ore., area middle school, a clearly frustrated superintendent delivered to the media what can best be described as a turd sandwich with a dash of gaslight sauce. She wanted Portland to eat it.

Sure, the superintendent admitted that the Hazelbrook Middle School boy wearing a girl’s crop top and long hair was in the wrong for beating up a girl, but the situation had gotten outsized only because parents had made a beating at school such a big deal.

Sniveled Superintendent Sue Reiki-Smith, “Because the video of the assault eventually went viral on social media… there were issues raised by the outside community, not internal to the district but external to the district… adults nationwide,” and this was a problem, she said, because they were “calling out the student’s gender … [and] that is the hate we’re dealing with right now.”

It takes a special kind of gall to attempt to divert attention away from the real victim of hate here — the girl — to mollify the trans mafia, and this effort was beyond heinous considering what she was trying to paper over. Watch the video below, but caution: it is disturbing.
See at the link, and view at your own risk. It is disgusting.
These videos demand an answer to the question: Why are this boy’s attacks being recorded and by whom? And shouldn’t that kid be prosecuted for being in on it?

The student doing the beatings has now been turned over to the cops.

School officials held a safety meeting where parents learned there’s no zero-tolerance policy for violence at the Tigard-Tualatin School District. Indeed, parents say this boy was not immediately thrown out of school for past violent acts.
Look how far down schools like these have fallen, all for the sake of "protected classes". The girl's mother is going to sue, but who knows if that'll avail? Oregon has truly become a terrible place to be.

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