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Friday, September 29, 2023 

Biden administration actually comments on left-wing violence during Yom Kippur in Tel Aviv

An unusual statement came from otherwise faux-president Joe Biden's staff regarding the leftists who caused chaos at a Yom Kippur gathering:
US officials responded for the first time today (Thursday) to the violent disruption of a Yom Kippur prayer service in Tel Aviv's Dizengoff Square on Monday.

State Department officials told Israeli news site Ynet that the United States supports the right of worshipers to pray with a separation between men and women in a public space, as well as the right of protesters to gather for non-violent protests as long as both do not violate local law.

"The United States supports the right to freedom of assembly," an official statement said. "Non-violent demonstrations are a central part of any democratic society and we call on all parties to maintain order and avoid violence."

The statement added that the administration is concerned by the violence and the actions and statements of Israeli officials which the US government believes inflames tensions even further.
Wonder if this'll sour any far-leftists in Israel on what's already an embarrassment in the USA? It remains to be seen. For now, the news clearly didn't impress upon the TA city hall, which has cancelled prayer permits for Rosh Yehudi's movement on Sukkot:
The Municipality of Tel Aviv-Jaffa officially informed the Rosh Yehudi movement today (Thursday) of the cancellation of all the permits the movement had received to hold events in the public space during the Sukkot holiday.

The letter informing them of the cancellation of the permits was given to the association after a hearing was held on the matter "due to its violation of the conditions of the permit given to it for Yom Kippur prayers in Dizingoff Square by placing a partition without the required permit and using physical means of gender segregation contrary to the municipality's policy."

Among the events which were cancelled were the operation of a public Sukkah and the holding of 'second hakafot' in Dizengoff Square.

The municipality stated that Rosh Yehudi refused to acknowledge that it had erected a partition or to take any responsibility for the violence that occurred at the Yom Kippur prayer service on Monday night, and added that allowing the organization to hold further events risked a repeat of the same violence.
Yet all this time, gender-segregated Islamic prayer continues to be allowed, and not only do they have no issue, they even go so far as to lay the blame squarely at the feet of the Rosh Yehudi movement. It was disgraceful, and what's happening in TA now is becoming a sad precedent for what's to come, which can be very dangerous.

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