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Tuesday, November 14, 2023 

UK home secretary dismissed for criticizing poor conduct of police during pro-Hamas protests

UK home secretary Suella Braverman was booted from her post for all the wrong reasons:
British Home Secretary Suella Braverman has been removed from government just days after she criticised what she called soft-touch, preferential handling of anti-Israel, pro-Palestine protests in London, causing an outpouring of anger from the UK left, and even some within her own party.

Suella Braverman was removed as Home Secretary first thing Monday morning, one of the so-called great offices of state representing the most senior government departments, apparently the first casualty in the cabinet reshuffle expected today.

Update 11:00 GMT: Migration Watch Responds

Migration Watch’s chairman Alp Mehmet has made his thoughts on the sacking of Bravman known, drawing attention to her track record on speaking out about border control. He said:

“This is very disappointing news. Suella Braverman had a clear understanding of the consequences of mass immigration. Her courage and determination to say what a majority of the public think will be a serious loss to the country.”

Unfortunately for that same public, Braverman appears to have fallen on the strength of her talk only, not her actions. The United Kingdom is presently experiencing record levels of mass migration, which does not appear to have been impacted in any meaningful way by tough talk at the top.
And that's got to be the most appalling part of this whole affair. If she had the power to do something about the mass infiltration, which is mainly Islamists, she did nothing convincing on her part to prevent them from coming in, and nothing to get them out. The police's mishandling of pro-Hamas demonstrations, all while discriminating against people who wanted to honor Armistice Day, also speaks volumes. Rishi Sunak has much blame to shoulder for this as well, unfortunately.

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