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Tuesday, November 14, 2023 

Solidarity march for Israel at the National Mall in D.C

There's been a march organized at the National Mall in the District of Columbia for solidarity with Israel:
Tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people gathered at the National Mall in Washington DC this afternoon (Tuesday) for the 'March for Israel,' a rally in support of the Jewish State following the Hamas massacre of over 1,200 people on October 7 and the subsequent wave of antisemitism in the US.

The event was organized by the Jewish Federations of North America and Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, which stated that "the March will be an opportunity for all Americans to come together in solidarity with the people of Israel, to demonstrate our commitment to America’s most important ally in the Middle East, to condemn the rising trend of antisemitic violence and harassment, and to demand that every hostage be immediately and safely released."

Marchers held up signs that read "Our love is bigger than their hate," "Either you stand with Israel or you stand with terrorism," and "Free hostages, Support Israel, Combat Antisemitism."

The main rally was preceded by a student-led rally. Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-NY) spoke at the earlier rally.

Rep. Torres stated that the US-Israel relationship is not just a Democratic or Republican value, it's not just a progressive or conservative value, it is an American value encoded in our national DNA."

He opposed attempts to impose a ceasefire on Israel, saying that "not everyone who's calling for a ceasefire wants Israel to cease to exist, but everyone who wants Israel to cease to exist is calling for a ceasefire."
While Torres' support is admirable, it's still most regrettable he associates with the Democrats. He really should distance himself from them, and besides, what if they reject him in the end? Exactly why he should move away from a political party that's now devoid of moral compass.

That aside, it's good this rally was organized. After all that's happened of recent, this is much needed.

Update: there were also solidarity rallies in France, and far-left movements like Jean-Luc Melanchon's were slammed for not attending:
The French far-left has been criticised for boycotting a bipartisan demonstration against antisemitism as over 100,000 took to the streets of Paris on Sunday to denounce the rise in hatred against Jews.

Amid soaring incidents of antisemitism throughout France, over 70 rallies were held throughout the country in solidarity with the nation’s Jewish population. According to the Ministry of the Interior, over 182,000 people rallied in total, with approximately 105,000 in Paris.

The slogan “For the Republic, against anti-Semitism” was chanted throughout the nation, Le Figaro reported. It came in response to hundreds of antisemitic incidents being recorded in the wake of the murderous Hamas terror attacks on Israel last month.

However, the cross-party demonstration was marred by a boycott of the far-left La France Insoumise (LFI) parliamentary party, which objected to the presence of former presidential candidate Marine Le Pen and other members of her right-wing populist Rassemblement National (National Rally) party.

The leftist party of socialist Jean-Luc Mélenchon justified their boycott based on comments made in the 1980s denying aspects of the Holocaust by Le Pen’s father and former National Front leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, who was expelled from the party by his daughter in 2015 over his controversial remarks.

Le Pen described the leftist boycott of the march against antisemitism as “petty politics” and added of her own party’s decision to join the demonstration: “We are exactly where we need to be”.

The centrist neo-liberal President of the French Senate and one of the organisers of the cross-party demo, Yaël Braun-Pivet accused leftist leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon “of dirtying everything” by refusing to attend.

The LFI boycott was also criticised by populist writer and former Reconquête! presidential candidate Eric Zemmour for their “sectarian” behaviour, adding: “It’s cheeky of these people who did everything to ensure that there were more immigrants in our country. I find that indecent of them.”
It's definitely hypocritical in the extreme for men like Melanchon to make excuses when they're no different from the senior Le Pen. Allowing Islamofascists into the country, yet all that matters is somebody who's now in the past.

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