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Friday, November 12, 2010 

The idea Israel should have to act alone against Iran's nuclear warheads is shameful

As told by Mark Steyn in a recent speech covered by the Jewish Tribune in Canada:
LONDON, ON – Iran’s development of nuclear weapons is “one of the great tragedies of the age” and it would be shameful to expect Israel to act alone to stop it, said author, journalist and radio guest host Mark Steyn.


“Israel has the toughest job,” Steyn said. “The idea that the defence of the West has come down to this little county-sized state, because all the big, rich countries were not prepared to do anything, will tell our enemies something profound. So even if Israel were to bomb it, the fact that there are no Americans, no British, no French, no Germans, no Canadians along for the ride, tells our enemies something very profound about Western will.

“The ‘nuclearization’ of the Iranian regime is one of the great tragedies of the age. It’s not like the Pakistanis, where they did it in the dark; they've [Iran) done it in full, open view of the world and so they’ve told the world something about Western will. Israel is on the front line of that battle and in that sense should not have to shoulder the burden all by itself. But we have condemned Israel to live at Code Red now....

“This is the most profound change in geopolitics since the Second World War: Iranian nuclearization changes everything. And the idea that it’s an Israeli problem and not an American and Canadian one, too, is shameful.”
How so. For all we know, Iran could be planning to launch their missiles of death against North American and Europe as well, and even against the far east, and there's no telling if even early warning systems and other defense mechanisms there will be able to stop them, and they don't think it's a problem? Steyn's right, it's very bad.

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As long as the Jews are perceived to be Iran's target, no one has a real interest in keeping it from going nuclear.

Like it or not, Israel will have to act alone.

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Thank you, Rare Resource. I've added the URL to your site on my blogroll, in the American continent section. Thanks very much for reading.

And thanks also to Auditions for All. I've added the URL to your site too, also in the American continent section.

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