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Monday, January 30, 2023 

More on the Givat Shmuel transsexual school scandal

Here's what's reported about the decision of a judge in Lod on a suit brought by parents of children at the Givat Shmuel school where a girl was disguised as a boy was stealthed in:
In the latest development in the saga of the "trans-boy" learning in a state-religious school in Givat Shmuel, this morning, a judge on the Lod District Court rejected a petition brought by the 32 sets of parents of the other children in the girl's class, who had demanded that the court enforce the school rules on the girl in question (i.e. that she adhere to Jewish law) - or, failing that, allow them to transfer their children to other schools.

The petition was rejected on administrative grounds, in light of the Education Ministry's recent decision to transfer the girl to another school. The judge added that in his opinion, the parents of other children in the class had yet to exhaust all their options for transferring their own children out of the class and to another school.

The judge added that another petition submitted on behalf of the girl herself, against the decision of the Education Ministry and the municipality, protesting her removal from the school, should also be rejected, arguing that the situation did not justify the court's intervention.

Responding to the ruling, the parents of children in the affected class expressed their severe disappointment. "The rights of our children are being trampled on. The court simply does not see them - it only sees that one child whose rights seemingly trump the rights of all the other children and their parents. In practice, the court's ruling invalidates our right to choose the form of education provided for our children and decides on our behalf what is supposedly good for us, forcing parents of children learning in the state-religious system to transfer their children to independent schools and preventing them from remaining part of the State of Israel's state education system," they said.
Of course the other children shouldn't have to have this forced upon them at the expense of their sanity, as has sadly been the case. On which note, the parents should sue the girl's parents and campaign for the girl to be transferred to foster guardians instead, since it's apparent the girl's parents are abusing her, and doubtless don't care if she's suffered as well:
The situation has reportedly led to severe psychological issues in the majority of children in the class, some of whom are exhibiting troubling behavior. At least one has been placed on psychiatric medication. Distraught parents report that the "trans-boy" herself is certainly undergoing immense suffering, as the entire school is now aware of the situation and the girl is left largely friendless and isolated.
It's no surprise nobody would want anything to do with her, if she's pretending to be a boy, and/or indoctrinated into thinking she's one. Women, even more, don't like hanging around weird men, so why should men want to hang around a woman who's "punkishly" deranged? A description that could perfectly apply to the girl's mother.

Besides the above, there's also this questionable survey that was conducted among national religious, and no telling if it's truly factual:
A new survey conducted by Panels Politics for the Institute for Research on Judaism and Zionism has revealed that a substantial proportion of the mainstream Religious-Zionist community has an open attitude toward accepting people who identify as LGBT in their schools and synagogues.

44 percent of those polled from the mainstream Religious-Zionist community said that a state-religious school should accept children who identify as LGBT, as opposed to 34 percent who said that such children belong only in secular schools.

Among the haredi-Zionist community, just 23 percent of respondents said that such a child could learn in a state-religious school, as opposed to 51 percent who said such children should only learn in secular institutions.

When asked if they would accept someone identifying as LGBT in their synagogue or religious community, 62 percent of respondents from mainstream Religious-Zionism answered in the affirmative. When they were asked a similar question with regard to a single-sex parental unit identifying as a family, 53 percent of respondents professed a willingness to welcome them.

[...] Asked what their response would be to a convicted sex offender who had served out his sentence, the response was almost universally rejecting. Just 13 percent of mainstream Religious-Zionists said they would accept such a person into their community.
Well it's good to know there's a moral backbone regarding sex offenders, but even so, this is still pretty questionable, and missing is whether anybody believes LGBT identifiers should be welcomed conditionally, provided they abandon the lifestyle. Come to think of it, why doesn't anybody ask whether these communities believe it's okay for a woman to dress skimpily? That failure to do so is one more reason why we're facing these issues involving LGBT to begin with.

I also found this recent interview with a sex educator who wants to introduce ultra-Orthodox to such education, but there's some unfortunate bias in here. First:
Hanan Ben-Ari, an Israeli pop star who also happens to be an observant Jew, recently released a music video for his song "Ela Bee" ("But, in me"), in which two women and two men are dancing. They're not naked, mind you. Not even half naked. In fact, they're well covered.

Still, rabbis decided the video was too risqué, since its content suggested an "overwhelming" amount of personal freedom. At least as far as rabbis are concerned
. Outraged fans berated the singer online, telling him he forgot his religious upbringing. Many even told him they've taken him off their playlists. His response - "God belongs to no one" - only made them angrier.

Maor Kaplan, a conservative religious woman from the University of Haifa is not onboard with the bashing of the singer. She also is working with religious teens, helping them explore the subject of sexuality.

"The storm his video has created represents the dichotomy: you're either with us, sully committing to the life of an observant Jew, or you're against us. The Halacha (Jewish law) is a rather dichotomic document, but the educational language needs to address those living in between the extremes.

"If we don't educate ourselves to accept all facets of the Jewish existence, we will end up losing so many people along the way."

Will you continue listening to him?

"Haven't thought about it, but I'm not into boycotts. His music does not represent something abhorrent to my values as a Jewish person."
If what she's referring to is the video, it makes little difference whether the dancers are modestly dressed or not; this is not some calamity anybody should be hysterical about. In fact, far as I can tell, the Torah/Bible is anything but against what goes on in the video, and that only so many Orthodox Judaists would follow a prudish viewpoint regarding men and women's bodies is shameful, as is the Haredis' opposition to female imagery.
Can you stand against the consensus?

"I'm 100% committed to the Halacha," says the 35-year-old mother of six. "But, in the educational context, you can't speak with the mentality of 'you're either with us or against us.' Discourse has to be more accepting of all Jewish experiences."

Kaplan practices what she preaches. She has a website and two books out, all of which deal with the issue of sexuality in a forbidden sphere. She has even become an independent publisher.

A 1,000 copies sold within the first week - it's a best seller!

"I never thought about it in those terms, but I definitely want to reach as many souls as I can. The number of physical copies I have is a reflection of the level of demand.

"Until about eight years ago, sex education in the religious sector was non-existent. The first time girls were exposed to the issue of sexuality was on their wedding night.

"But, humans are sexual creatures, and their wedding night can't be the first time they're exposed to it. Religious teens go through the same thing secular ones do, even if they're severely discouraged to engage on the topic."
I do think it's impressive she believes religious teens should have sex education. The thing is, she herself, as she explains further, only seems to be serving as a role model for girls, not doing anything so far to provide boys with official education and insight. Maybe that should change.

However, it's appalling if she attacked Israeli government deputy minister Avi Maoz:
Are you worried that Maoz will try to undermine your plans?

"I don't believe in discourse that disregards your fellow man. Maoz's positions hurt Judaism because they come from a place of anger and belittlement. I know plenty of religious people who speak from a place and acceptance and love, including the issue of the LGBTQ community."

How worried are you about the future of the country with people like him at the helm?

"I'm worried about hatred and polarization, but not so much about the country as a whole because I know plenty of religious Zionists, and I don't think they'll let his hateful ideas take hold."
While it's possible this was taken out of context by Ynet's writer and editors for the sake of their own leftist agendas, if she really did state the above, it's hugely regrettable, because she told them exactly what they wanted to hear, at the expense of heterosexuality. Who says Maoz is literally "hateful"? Does she also think the same about Christian and Buddhist priests who're against homosexuality and transsexuality? Why, in fact, what if most Orthodox Judaists are more accepting of lesbians than of male homosexuals, provided the women themselves aren't OSRs? Kaplan's not addressing how children, even here, are being indoctrinated into thinking they're the opposite sex, taught to hate the sex they were born as, and even getting surgeries that destroy their bodies, whether with flesh cutting, drugs or both. Is that what Judaism should be all about? Absolutely not. If she really did make a superficial attack on Maoz that's completely unfair to a guy who could be looking to save children from both mental and physical harm by leftists, she owes him an apology.

It's a real shame we have to contend with all this woke garbage, because much like Haredi zealots, it's served to take away attention from issues like Islamofascism, and undermine society. If people, religious or otherwise, would stop making a fuss over how women dress, and worry more about LGBT propaganda, we'd be getting somewhere. Good luck to Kaplan in publishing her books. But she'd do well to lay off Maoz, and focus instead on explaining why women's sex appeal and/or bodies are nothing to be scared or ashamed of. And she could also do a favor by protesting the parents of the girl in Givat Shmuel, and the serious harm they're doing to her for the sake of political provocations.

Update: I think it's also vital to take note of this article about the Miss France beauty pageant, which indicates they too have been damaged by wokeness:
The latest pageant in December involved fewer eligibility requirements, which had also previously restricted entry to women between the ages of 18 and 24 without children.

Now, any woman over 18 years old of any height and child-bearing status can enter. And visible tattoos were allowed for the first time.

Transgender women who have female civil status records were also permitted to compete.
Whether or not the latter implies these are biological women in question, it's hugely disappointing they're approving of this, because it is hurtful to women. It's okay if a mother wants to enroll, and heigh isn't all that important. But to haul transsexuality into this event as well only causes more moral decay, and come to think of it, so do tattoos. This signals the Miss France pageant's on its way to collapse as well.

Update 2: and before I forget, as I've noted a number of times before, religious advocates have to start questioning whether certain customs and practices within religion can cause homosexuality, and transsexuality by extension, and ask whether they can continue to uphold beliefs that could've preceded this whole fiasco we're now facing in this day and age. Those who care about the well being of children and women can't continue to put their heads in the sand anymore.

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