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Friday, September 29, 2023 

Neturei Karta meet Iranian officials at UN

This isn't the first time the ultra-Orthodox clan that's even worse than the Satmar met with Iranian officials, but they're back at their anti-Israel mission again, meeting with the Iranian "president" at the UN in the past week or so:
Members of Neturei Karta, an extreme anti-Zionist ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect, met with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly on Wednesday.

"We found that throughout the history of the Islamic Republic of Iran, they respected and protected the Jewish community till today and you're only distinguishing that Zionism has nothing to do with the religion and the occupation is unacceptable,” said the Neturei Karta members who met with Raisi.
Oh, do tell us some more taqqiya, please. Very few Jews live in Iran today, if at all, and violent hostility to being Israeli is the order of the day with their dictatorship and the Religion of Peace. All these attempts to separate between Zionism and Israeli history have long become severely offensive.
Neturei Karta opposes the modern state of Israel on religious grounds, regularly protesting against the Jewish state. They have regularly met with Holocaust deniers as well as leaders of the Iranian regime and the Hamas terror organization in the Gaza Strip.

"I have heard that there are anti-Zionist Jews here and this is a great thing,"
said Raisi. "We always reiterate the fact that we have no issue whatsoever with the Jewish faith, with the Torah, and in Iran, the Jews have freedom of religion. Our only issue is with the Zionists."
Forget it, they do have issues with the Torah and Judaism, because the Torah/Bible affirms the Jewish connections with the land of Israel. And these 5th columnist Karta kreeps continue their awful efforts to undermine Israel, and it wouldn't be shocking if they were against judicial reform, and the secular leftists opposing it were more than perfectly comfy with Karta too.

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