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Thursday, September 21, 2023 

NYC council plans to remove Washington and Columbus statues from their locations

New York City continues to crumble in many ways as the leftist municipal council mulls a plan to remove every statue of George Washington and Christopher Columbus from their locations:
On Tuesday, the New York City Council’s Committee on Civil and Human Rights held a hearing to discuss the removal of historical statues in public places. The criteria for removing these statues are expansive enough to include most of the more than 2,500 works of public art in the city.

I imagine this costly endeavor will suit the members of the City Council just fine.

New York City is buckling under the weight of an illegal immigration crisis. Last month alone, New York spent $300 million on the issue, according to Mayor Eric Adams—but it will spare no expense in carrying out a Maoist-style cultural revolution.

Just remember this as New York crawls groveling to the federal government for aid.

On the list of villains to remove from pedestals and scrub from public places are George Washington, Christopher Columbus, and Peter Stuyvesant. The latter is the Dutch governor of New Netherland, which became New York, to name just three.

This isn’t just about statues and history, though. It’s about social revolution and control. The committee is additionally looking to implement “anti-racist training” for all city employees and contractors. (New York state is considering reparations, so look forward to that, too.)

There’s been some local political resistance to the Left’s plans for mass cultural vandalism.

“This is little more than an attempt by the radical Left to rewrite our nation’s history,” said Joann Ariola, a Republican City Council member from Queens.

I agree entirely, which is why I wrote my book “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past.” The Left wants to remove and replace everything the country was built on and to start again from year zero.

“The radical Left has been trying to reframe our nation as one born from evil, and it is time we put our foot down and say, ‘Enough is enough!’”
Ariola continued. “The Founding Fathers and the others who worked so hard to establish this great country should be celebrated, not eliminated from memory.”

Good answer to this nonsense. It’s the only answer that should have been given from the outset.

The iconoclasm we’ve faced in America and the West has nothing to do with the Confederacy.

Many historians and legacy media publications mocked then-President Donald Trump when he said in 2017 that after tearing down statues of Robert E. Lee, the Left would go after Thomas Jefferson and Washington next. It didn’t take long before many of those same people and institutions joined in on the iconoclasm and happily tore down Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt, too.
That they'd have no qualms about vandalizing Lincoln statues, or removing them altogether, says all you need to know what they really think of opposition to racism, which in the future is something they'll sadly be likely to bring back, no matter what they claim now. New York, if anywhere in the USA, is certainly headed on a downward spiral to disgrace.

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