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Saturday, September 30, 2023 

USA court upholds Tennessee and Kentucky's bans on puberty blockers for children

An important victory against physically mutilating chemicals was won, and the ACLU and its pro-LGBT agenda were defeated:
Daily Wire host Matt Walsh dove into the “huge” ruling from the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals that upheld Tennesee’s and Kentucky’s bans on puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender surgeries on gender-confused children.

In its 2-1 ruling rejecting a challenge to the laws from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and families of trans-identifying children, the federal court “thoroughly dismantled, point-by-point, every disingenuous argument from trans activists,” Walsh said in a thread posted to X.

“The case arose because of laws in TN and KY banning the use of puberty blockers and sterilizing cross-sex hormones on children. The laws were passed after my reporting on Vanderbilt’s gender clinic, and how they see some gender ‘treatments’ as big money makers,” said Walsh, who was a vocal proponent of banning puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender surgeries on children in his home state of Tennessee.
Read more. Thank goodness sanity prevailed here. This physical abuse - and there's plenty of pseudo-parents who have blame to shoulder in this too - cannot go on. Both states are fully justified in putting an end to such horrific chemicals as puberty blockers, along with the Mengele-surgeries, and it's to be hoped it'll be done in Israel too.

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