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Monday, October 02, 2023 

A terrorist with blood on his hands had sexual relations with 5 female prison guards

There was a scandal a few years ago where it was discovered an Israeli security prison was pimping female guards to satisfy Islamic terrorists held there. But here, there appears to be a case of 5 women who willingly had sex with a jihadist kept there:
Mazen al-Qadi, 43, is the terrorist who is suspected of having intimate relationships with five female prison guards on duty between the walls of Ramon Prison he was staying at, Hebrew media officially reported on Monday afternoon.

Al-Qadi was a member of the Fatah organization, Walla reported. An N12 report stated that al-Qadi also aided the terrorist who carried out an attack on a food market in Tel Aviv 21 years ago - in which three Israelis were murdered and another 35 injured.

The suspicion is that all five had an illicit and illegal relationship with the prisoner and did not report it, N12 reported.

Al-Qadi kept a mobile phone in his cell which he used to contact the female prison guards and exchange photos with them according to Maariv.

Being left with a warning

The five prison guards were interrogated and left with a warning. The suspicion that al-Qadi and the prison guards having been in a sexual relationship was ruled out by investigators. Other prison guards had also been summoned to give open testimony.

Al-Qadi will undergo further questioning in the coming days.

Israel Prison Service (IPS) chief Katy Perry and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir held a meeting and announced that women would no longer serve as guards at IPS security prisons after the initial report of intimate relations between the terrorist and the prison guards broke out.
If the women willingly had sex with the monster, they are truly despicable. There were French citizens who took offense at women who had consensual relations with German officials during WW2, and this should be the cause of offense too. What they did was disrespectful to the murderer's victims.

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