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Thursday, October 26, 2023 

Even Armenia is still in danger from Azerbaijan

While much attention's been focused on the Hamas bloodbath over in Israel, Armenia also remains in very bad shape, because of Azerbaijan's hostility, and how they drove many out of Arsakh:
While war and atrocity dominate headlines around the world, a largely overlooked conflict in the Caucuses has escalated to ethnic cleansing of the Christian population from the oldest Christian nation in the world.

For fear of their lives, more than 100,000 Armenians have been forced to flee their ancestral home in Nagorno-Karabakh after Azerbaijan seized total control over the region in September. The 1,700-square-mile mountainous slice of land has been inhabited by Armenians for thousands of years, but it is surrounded by Azerbaijan, a majority Muslim nation that says the region is its territory.

Though the fight is over territory, experts say that at its core, the conflict stems from ethnic and religious differences between Armenians and Azerbaijanis.

“Ethnicity and religion are intertwined. Azerbaijanis may say they do not hate Christians But, when it comes to Armenians — the indigenous population in the region — the Azerbaijanis show no tolerance,” explained Dr. Michael Rubin, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and expert on the region. “Azerbaijanis recognize deep down that had it not been for Joseph Stalin, they would have no claim whatsoever to Nagorno-Karabakh. The Azerbaijanis realize they have no legitimacy and so target with special animus those who do.”

Yana Avanesyan, a doctoral researcher who is originally from Nagorno-Karabakh, says the religious difference between the two countries plays a major role in the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict.

“When we say Armenians, we are speaking about us being Christians,” Avanesyan told The Daily Wire. “We know they hate us so much that they will just destroy everything.”
It's important to point out though, that even if Armenia weren't Christian, their non-Muslim status is used by the Azeris as justification for the assault on their territory. But it's good this article reminds everyone of how Stalin was guilty of leading to the terrible situation we're at now when it comes to Armenia's status. Something the repellent journalist Rachel Avraham chose to obscure, most offensively.
Many refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh are sick and malnourished – Azerbaijan’s military began blockading the region in December of last year, cutting off access to food, electricity and water from the outside. Some are also exhausted after fleeing into Armenia on foot – and Armenia has expressed concern that it may not have the resources to care for such a massive influx of people.

Her family was among the more than 100,000 who fled the region without a place to go. The estimated population of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh is roughly 120,000, meaning nearly the entire population have decided to flee.

[...] “Azerbaijan did not order any Armenians to leave,” Amberin Zaman wrote from Armenia for Al-Monitor. “Yet it ensured that life was so miserable that few would opt to stay. Indeed, even as Azerbaijani authorities rebuffed claims of ethnic cleansing, insisting their forces had struck ‘legitimate military targets,’ eyewitness accounts of rape and indiscriminate shelling that wounded and killed children began to emerge.”
This too is obscene news, and that many western nations refused to take concrete steps against Azerbaijan, possibly because they're oil-rich, is also inexcusable. Now, Armenia's another country that could end up in ruin, also because their own leadership took no proper action to prevent this additional disaster either, which has angered their own population.

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