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Monday, November 13, 2023 

Former GOP senator was sexually assaulted while jogging

One of the worst crimes that many innocent women doing outdoor exercise have fallen victim to was sadly experienced by former GOP member Martha McSally, who years before bravely campaigned against USA military forcing women to wear Islamic coverings:
Former U.S. Sen. Martha McSally claimed Tuesday that she was sexually assaulted while out jogging that morning.

A man allegedly came up behind the former senator along the Missouri River, “engulfed” her in a “bear hug” and then “molested and fondled” her until she “fought him off,” according to a video McSally posted to Instagram.

“I then chased him down,” she said in the video. “In this moment, I was in a fight, flight or freeze, and I chose to fight.”

McSally said she ran after her assailant and even threw her water bottle at him as he ran and hid in the brush.

As the man was hiding, she called 9-1-1 and “waited for the police to come,” McSally said.

“I don’t think they found him, and I’m okay,” she continued in the video. “In this case, I felt like I took my power back. He tried to take power from me, but I turned it on him, and he was running from me instead of the other way around.”

[...] Police arrested the suspect, a 25-year-old man named Dominic Henton, on Friday for allegedly sexually assaulting McSally, the HuffPost reported. He was identified by surveillance footage, as he allegedly appeared to closely follow the former senator, according to the same report.
This is terrible. There's no telling at this point if the thug deliberately targeted her over her politics, but somehow, it wouldn't be shocking if it turned out he did. Let's hope the man will be sentenced to prison, and that Mrs. McSally will recover. She did the right thing to fight back against him.

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