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Monday, November 13, 2023 

IDF takes over Hamas "parliament" in Gaza

The IDF succeeded in taking over one of the main Hamas headquarters in Gaza city:
Soldiers from the IDF's Golani Brigade were photographed today (Monday) in the Hamas parliament building in Gaza City, a symbol of the terrorist organization's rule over the Gaza Strip.

Earlier, it was reported that the IDF and ISA (Shin Bet) eloiminated Yaakub A'ashur, Head of the Anti-Tank Missile Array of Hamas' Khan Yunis Brigade. Yaakub A'ashur was a battalion commander and was later promoted to the Head of the Anti-Tank Missile Array of Hamas' Khan Yunis Brigade. He took part in the planning and execution of attacks against IDF soldiers.

Additionally, Mohammed Khamis Dababash, a senior Hamas operative, was killed. In the past, he was Hamas' Head of Military Intelligence.

Over the last two years, he was the secretary of Zakaria Abu Maamar, Hamas' Head of International Relations in the Political Bureau, who was also Hamas' representative at the Summit of the National and Islamic Factions in the Gaza Strip. Khamis was involved in the directing of the terror attack in the community of Atsmona in March 2002, during which five Israelis were murdered. The terror attack was led by Mohammed Sinwar, Wael Nasser, and Taysir Mubasher.

In addition, Tahsin Muslem, commander of the combat assistance company who was responsible for the special forces in Beit Lahia, Jihad A'azem, a Hamas intelligence investigations officer in Zaytun, and Munir Hareb, head of Public Affairs in the Rafah brigade were also killed.
It's good the IDF was able to confiscate this structure too, for as long as it'll still be around. What could it be used as? Turn it into a museum dedicated to the issue of totalitarian regimes, maybe, much like Yad Vashem? That could be an idea.

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