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Saturday, November 11, 2023 

Pro-Hamas demonstrators in NYC cause considerable vandalism

Joel Pollak covers the sad collapse of NYC into a hotbed of crime, in this case being the pro-Hamas demonstrators who're now even turning agains the far-left New York Times paper:
Pro-Palestinian demonstrators smashed a door at New York City’s Grand Central Station on Friday night and briefly forced the closure of the transportation hub as they marched through the streets of Manhattan for the second night in a row.
And there's also this to ponder:
The NYPD says demonstrations are being held just about every day in the city and stretching police resources. Each precinct now has one supervisor and eight uniformed officers on standby, ready to respond to planned or pop-up demonstrations, according to police sources.

[...] Police say around 9:30 p.m., some demonstrators staged a sit-in at the intersection of 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue and refused to comply with officers’ orders. Police also say there were altercations between some demonstrators and bystanders.

A number of people were detained for disorderly conduct.
We have mayor Eric Adams to blame for this. He's done little to differentiate himself from his predecessor, Bill de Blasio, not to mention quite a few other Democrat-aligned mayors across the USA. The failure to make these horrific demonstrations illegal has also resulted in vandalism of police vehicles. Oh, and lest we forget, there's the incidents involving the NYT:
The mob was part of a “Flood Manhattan for Gaza” protest that initially converged on Columbus Circle earlier in the evening, where they set fire to an Israeli flag and taunted a small faction of counter-demonstrators before marching through Manhattan and splattering fake blood on the New York Times building.

“We don’t want a Jewish state. We want ‘48!” the anti-Israel protesters chanted at the starting point, referring to Palestine before the establishment of Israel.
It's as sick as you can expect. Here's more from the NYT themselves, and this is quite eyebrow raising:
As the protest wound its way up Eighth Avenue toward Times Square, it paused in front of The New York Times, where a group of journalists and writers had also gathered in the lobby to demand The Times’ Editorial Board call for a ceasefire.

Outside the building on West 40th Street, a police cruiser’s back window was smashed, and the vehicle was graffitied with the words “IDF KKK.”
Wow. Their own employees participated in this atrocity. Will the paper's staff fire them? Maybe not. The call for a "ceasefire", of course, is a way to give the Hamas a victory, and that's something Israel can ill-afford, even now when much of their operations are crushed over in Gaza.

NYC sure is descending into a most insufferable burg, one I'd rather not visit ever again.

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