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Sunday, November 12, 2023 

Special display in Tel Aviv calls for giving death penalty to October 7 jihadists

A special display was built in Tel Aviv's Dizengoff Squre, calling for the death penalty for terrorists captured after the October 7 bloodbath:
A large installation demanding that the death penalty for the perpetrators of Hamas's deadly October 7 massacre in southern Israel was set up in Tel Aviv's Dizengoff Square, Israeli media reported on Sunday morning.

The structure features a rope gallows framed by a pair of giant wings, which are covered by the faces of those murdered during the massacre.

The installation sits in front of Dizengoff Square's iconic "Fire and Water Fountain," which itself is likewise covered with tributes to the murdered.

Israel's public defense refuses to represent the October 7 terrorists who were captured and await trial
, they announced last week.

"Thus far, no lawyer from the public defense has been appointed to a single case of Hamas terrorists or any other terrorist related to October 7," said the Public Defenders' Office. "In our opinion, the procedure against these terrorists is not suited to the judicial [one] available today to deal with terrorists and terrorism."

This came on the same day that the Israel Prison Service announced it had begun processing Hamas terrorists caught since the October 7 attacks into the prison system in Israel.

"Last week we started the process of accepting captured Hamas terrorists into the Israeli prison service," IPS Commissioner Katy Perry said.

"These are the most dangerous terrorists held in Israel and we take all necessary security measures, at the most secure operational level,"
she said. "Our security guards are strong, motivated, and ready to face any scenario and threat."
It's also impressive to see that no lawyers want anything to do with these rapists and murderers, who most definitely must be executed for the horrors they participated in last month. What the jihadist murderers did was utterly heinous, and they must be punished in the most serious ways possible.

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