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Thursday, November 09, 2023 

Testimonies revealed about graphic sexual violence that occurred at Hamas bloodbath

Israeli authorities have released testimonies about the horrors, sexual, physical and otherwise, that took place on October 7:
A month has passed since the massacre on October 7th, in which Hamas slaughtered some 1400 Israeli residents, but the shocking testimonies are only now emerging as the Israel Police's Lahav 433, the police department dealing with serious felonies, continues with the meticulous documentation of the atrocities.

As part of this process, the detectives have been processing the testimonies of the perpetrators and the survivors. One of them is a chilling testimony of a young woman who hid with her boyfriend in a shelter, where she witnessed the rape and murder of another Israeli woman.

"I saw them forcing her to bend forward and then someone rape her,"
the testimony reads. "They were dressed in olive-toned fatigues, she was alive, and then she fell silent. She was raped and then killed."

For the first time, the investigators were exposed to messages from members of ZAKA volunteers describing the horrifying events as they collected bodies. These official testimonies will be used in legal proceedings in the future against Hamas and as a way to remember the atrocities. The testimonies are quite graphic and include descriptions of the horrors they witnessed when they arrived at the scenes of death to collect the remains of the victims. They too, have confirmed through their testimony that Hamas terrorists committed sexual offenses against women before killing them.

According to the testimonies of the volunteers, there were also sexual abuses against some of the men who were found. In some cases, the victim's private parts were mutilated. One member said that in many cases, "it was hard to tell if it was a man or a woman."
Again, this is repulsive, and the worst part is pondering all the bigoted leftists out there who're desensitized to violence and have since committed horrific violence of their own over all this. On which note, a brawl occurred outside the LA Museum of Tolerance as they were screening a documentary of the graphic footage:
Fake news had been spread that Gal Gadot would host the Museum of Tolerance screening. (She was not even there.) And that Hollywood celebrities would be there. (They were not.) The actual attendees were mostly Jewish and activist community figures.

The screening location was supposed to be kept private, but leftist community organizers got word of it and began organizing and planning online disruptions. Islamist supporters of Hamas soon joined in. But the various groups never agreed on an overall plan.

Some leftists and Islamists wanted JVP, a pro-terrorist front group that has provided cover for the pro-Hamas protests on account of claims by its members to be ‘Jewish’ to handle the protest to avoid accusations of antisemitism. But JVP never showed up.

Only one woman showed up who claimed to be Jewish and yelled obscenities at elderly people holding Israeli flags outside the Museum of Tolerance. It’s unknown if she was a member of the Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) hate group which took part in the Hamas insurrection in Congress.

Local Jewish community members and small numbers of pro-Hamas leftists showed up outside the Museum of Tolerance at various points during the afternoon beginning at around 1 PM. There was no violence.

The Museum of Tolerance had been getting harassing and threatening phone calls throughout the previous day warning that going ahead with the screening would be “unsafe.” An FBI advance team showed up and there was a large LAPD presence.

In the evening, when the screening was set to go forward, separate groups of pro-terror leftists and a contingent of Muslim supporters of Hamas arrived brandishing ‘Palestinian’ terror flags.

This is when things got ugly

Following standard Antifa tactics, the leftists illegally entered the area by the entrance of the Museum of Tolerance and began baiting the most older Jewish community members rallying outside with flags, instead of remaining across the street where the pro-terror Muslims were.

The Museum of Tolerance is located on a major street, Pico Blvd, in a Jewish area known as Pico-Robertson. There is plenty of Jewish foot traffic here with a major high school located directly next to the museum and a number of synagogues and Jewish study centers where teens go.

It did not take long before the pro-Hamas Muslims ran into local Jewish teens, some on the way to rally in front of the museum, others just walking around their neighborhood. Some of the teens who were carrying Israeli flags or driving cars with Israeli flags were attacked.
Joel Pollak has more. The museum staff is going to have to make clear, legally or otherwise, that these anti-Israel savages are not allowed anywhere near the vicinity of the institute. And the mayor of LA didn't improve the situation after she took a morally equivalent stance.

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