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Thursday, July 04, 2024 

What dark sources fund the anti-Israel protests at college campuses?

That's something the Daily Caller's been investigating, and in addition to that, it turns out what's going at sites like the UCLA is well supplied:
It was much harder, however, to stay undercover once he started asking questions. Masked protesters surrounded him, blocking his view of the supply line set up inside. They formed a human wall, guiding him out of the perimeter, sometimes pushing him or grabbing the camera. But not before he got a glimpse of their stockpiles.

“Inside the encampment … they had like tens of thousands of dollars — at least — worth of food, water, feminine products, tooth brushes and toothpaste, deodorant, hygiene stuff. Anything you could think of that would be necessary to live in a somewhat clean matter for a prolonged period of time, they had it in there.”

[...] Protesters were well supplied before police arrived, before even the counter-protesters showed up. Clearly, they came prepared to stay for the long haul. They might be spoiled rich kids; it is UCLA, after all. But it’s unlikely a campus job pays the kind of money for students to stockpile tens of thousands of dollars worth of materiel. And it’s equally unlikely the parents are paying for them to blow off their studies. All signs point to outside help.

Higby has some ideas about who it may be. The new wave of anti-Israel protests is much like other protests and riots that have rocked the U.S. in recent years. BLM, Antifa and “Palestinian” protesters all want the same thing, and they’re often funded by the same nefarious group of international leftists who exist simply to stir the pot. Their goal isn’t equality, justice or change for the better, but to remake the world entirely.
Undoubtably, the same dark sources who funded past movements like those were also involved in these latest atrocities. And California's merely an easy target for them, possibly even more so at this point than New York was for Occupy Wall Street. It's just absolutely terrible.

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