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Saturday, January 20, 2024 

Alec Baldwin will be indicted for manslaughter

It looks like, about 2 years after far-left actor Alec Baldwin tragically killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins during a filming in New Mexico, he'll be indicted:
A New Mexico grand jury indicted actor Alec Baldwin on Friday after hearing evidence in a closed hearing over the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, who died in 2021 on the Rust film set after Baldwin’s prop gun fired a live bullet.

NBC News reported that Baldwin attorneys Luke Nikas and Alex Spiro responded to the indictment by saying, “We look forward to our day In court.”
So finally, after only so much foot-dragging and attempts to avoid taking serious actions against a Hollywood performer, something that's sadly common in past decades, Baldwin will serve as an example of one who's going to face justice for costing an innocent woman her life. It'll be hard watching his resume from now on, even if it what he led to was unintentional.

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