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Saturday, January 20, 2024 

Pro-Hamas protestor ran over policeman in NYC with car

The pro-Hamas movement in the USA continues to demonstrate how evil they are to virtually anyone else whose views don't coincide with theirs, and the one in focus did something very obscene (via Front Page):
The wrong-way driver who struck and seriously wounded a Manhattan cop on Wednesday afternoon is a known pro-Palestinian protester who allegedly targeted the officer, police reported.

The officer and a partner were guarding an abandoned vehicle at the location when the suspect, a female driver, came speeding northbound on Park Avenue’s southbound lanes.

Police say that the vehicle came to a stop as one of the cops approached to investigate before the female driver allegedly slammed on the accelerator and swerved into the male officer.

Sources familiar with the investigation said the driver allegedly yelled verbal insults at the officer when he approached the vehicle seconds before ramming the car into him.
The woman was identified, and look what kind of car she was driving:
The motorist, identified by police as 24-year-old Sahara Dula, of Brooklyn, was also hit with assault, reckless endangerment and impaired driving charges.

As police guarded that getaway car, an officer spotted Dula, who was behind the wheel of a gray Lexus, allegedly driving northbound in the southbound lane.

When the cop ordered her to pull over, the driver hit the gas and ran into the cop, sending him flying over the side of the car, authorities alleged. Dula was arrested at the scene.

The officer suffered leg and arm injuries
The officer appears to be Black, which makes this a racially charged crime as well (update: although the woman herself may also be Black?). That the woman was driving a car as expensive as Lexus models happen to be is certainly telling. Anybody who commits crimes that offensive does not deserve the wealth she presumably has.

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