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Wednesday, September 25, 2024 

Will France do the right thing when it comes to illegal immigration?

According to this article about their current interior minister:
France’s new interior minister has pledged to expel illegal immigrants who have “broken in” to the country amid moves aimed at toughening law and order.

Bruno Retailleau also called for a coalition of willing EU countries to compel the European Commission to tighten its immigration laws.

His pledges for a harsher response to asylum claims, violence against police, radical Islam and drug trafficking were said to reflect the growing influence of Marine Le Pen’s hard-Right National Rally (RN).

After a June election in which president Emmanuel Macron’s centrist government suffered heavy losses, the RN pledged tacit support for Michel Barnier’s new coalition between centrists and conservatives.

However, the RN conditioned its support for his cabinet with meeting the hard-Right party’s concerns over immigration, security and other issues.
And that's very crucial. Amazing that Macron was willing to hire a conservative lawmaker for interior, and risk the wrath of Jean-Luc Melenchon's gang of creeps for not supporting them. Retailleau will have to do much and show a lot of courage to get this job done. And it also includes defending the right of the common citizen to defend themselves from violent thugs in the streets. That's another serious issue that Europe hasn't done much to prove they recognize when it comes to violent crime, which also includes attacks by jihadists. These are serious issues that must be addressed.

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