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Saturday, September 14, 2024 

Patricia Heaton's 911 message

The actress Patricia Heaton has something vital to say on the 23rd year since September 11, 2001:
It’s 9/11 again. And here we are. The same terrorists are back in full force, this time going after Israel but really they’re going after all of us. They’re going after Western democracy. They’re going against anyone who’s not a radical Islamist.

And anyone who calls for Israel to lay down its arms, you are supporting the same people who took down the Twin Towers. You are supporting Hamas; you are being used by Hamas. If you don’t understand this, you are being profoundly naive.

It is Hamas who broke the ceasefire on October 7. It’s Hamas who murdered all those Israelis. It is Hamas who took hostages, including babies, like Ariel and Kfir Bibas. It is Hamas who puts Palestinians in the line of danger. It is Hamas who has refused — over twenty times — to sign a ceasefire deal. It is Hamas who executed the hostages.

It’s not the United States. It’s not Israel.

Please understand this: Israel has to stay in it and do what is necessary until the terrorists are eliminated. Please understand this.

God bless everyone who died on 9/11, everyone in the Twin Towers, and all the first responders. And God bless their families. And God bless everyone who’s still waiting for people to come home from Gaza.
I'm very glad she's being a realist here.

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