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Saturday, September 14, 2024 

Cross-dressing comedian doesn't want to do it now for sake of gay men, not women

Hollywood comedian Will Ferrell, who's appeared on SNL over the years and did sketches in drag, says doing that now isn't something he wants to do, but not because he cares about how women could feel about it:
“That’s something I wouldn’t choose to do now,” Ferrell told the New York Times after being asked about his “Janet Reno’s Fantasies” sketch from Saturday Night Live, which featured the actor in drag as the eponymous attorney general.

Ferrell’s longtime friend and former SNL head writer Harper Steele also chimed in — appearing to acknowledge comedy is operating withing more narrow parameters in today’s ever-increasingly irascible society — by insisting that he believes dressing in drag for laughs is “absolutely not funny.”

“This kind of bums me out,” Steele said. “I understand the laugh is a drag laugh. It’s, ‘Hey, look at this guy in a dress, and that’s funny.’ It’s absolutely not funny. It’s absolutely a way that we should be able to live in the world.”
So in other words, Ferrell and the SNL writer aren't saying this because women find it offensive, but rather, because homosexual men do. I guess they've never heard any comment from women on the issue, straight or lesbian, eh? No complaints about how it's also gender appropriation and a form of blackface? Wow, these guys sure are pathetic and much narrower than they'd like us to think. This is in sharp contrast to a Texas university president, who recognized what's wrong with cross-dressing.

Somebody's got to get the point across that the whole concept of drag-queening isn't just demeaning to men's dignity, it's also humilating to women, and in that sense, it's not funny. But Ferrell and Steele clearly don't have the courage to do so. Pathetic.

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