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Saturday, September 14, 2024 

Pro-Hamas demonstrator in Massachussettes gets shot after assaulting pro-Israel army veteran

Here's a case in one of the most liberal states where a pro-Hamas monster got punished for violent behavior:
A man wearing a Palestinian pin was shot in Newton, Massachusetts Thursday evening after he charged across a street and tackled a pro-Israel veteran protester.

In a video shared with The Daily Wire, the man with the pin, sporting a surgical mask around his neck, stood across the street shouting at the group of 10 protesters, calling them “sick” and accusing them of “defending genocide.”

Scott Hayes, 47, of Framingham, Mass., was getting ready to leave when the assailant began yelling at the group, showing his middle finger and shouting at the protesters.

In the next video, the man charges across the street through traffic and tackles Hayes, an Iraq War veteran, who was carrying an American flag during the protest. Seconds later, the gun was discharged and the man was shot in the stomach during their tussle on the ground, another video angle shows.

Hayes then places the gun on the sidewalk behind him as bystanders try to break the two apart. After the altercation, Hayes told bystanders to call 911, and tended to wounds of the man who tackled him, a video shared with The Daily Wire shows.

Hayes is being charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and violation of a constitutional right causing injury, Middlesex County District Attorney Marian Ryan said. Ryan said the veteran had full legal possession of the gun, according to Boston 25 News. The veteran’s fellow protesters say they were not aware he had a gun, but believe he was acting in self defense.
Oh, he was alright. One of the worst things about the criminal is that he called for destruction of the USA:
A man charged with assault for allegedly tackling a pro-Israel demonstrator has called for the destruction of the United States and refused to condemn Hamas, a review of his social media history reveals.

Caleb Gannon, 31, was charged with assault after The Daily Wire released an exclusive video that shows him charging across a street and tackling Scott Hayes, pro-Israel demonstrator, in Newton, Massachusetts. Gannon knocked Hayes to the ground and attacked him before Hayes, whose lawyers say that he acted in self-defense, shot him in the stomach. Hayes immediately tended to Gannon until emergency workers arrived.

At first, it was unclear why Gannon chose to charge the small, peaceful stand-in. But a review of Gannon’s social media activity reveals that he has called for the complete destruction of the United States and has refused to condemn Hamas, the Islamic terrorist organization behind the October 7th terror attack on Israel.

“The United States government is a rogue terrorist organization that does not represent its population. It must end,” Gannon, who has been charged with assault and battery, wrote in one of his extreme posts on X. Gannon’s X profile also features a Palestinian flag and the hashtag “#ActuallyAutistic.”

“All police precincts, military bases, and government offices must be liquidated immediately, and all resources from them redirected back into their communities,” he went on to say in the post pinned to the top of his profile.

Gannon, who says that he uses the pronouns “he/they/any,” also expressed support for Hamas and refused to condemn them.

“No, I don’t condemn Hamas,” he wrote, instead saying, “I condemn my family,”
because they have been unwilling to “recognize the blatant genocide that’s been occurring for months in Palestine.”

Gannon also reposted an X post from an account named “trans judeo-bolshevik,” who wrote, “the correct response to zionists feeling unsafe on college campuses is to say ‘good, zionists should feel unsafe everywhere—no one who supports a genocidal ideology should ever feel safe from repercussions.’”
So here's another example of a "transphile", if anything, who also supports Islamofascism, and any LGBT support he gives now is bound to only be for the sake of destroying moral values, family or otherwise. And topping it all off, he's even hostile to his own family. Well in that case, he can go to prison and keep blabbering his insanity there.

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