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Friday, September 20, 2024 

British judge censored victim of Muslim rape gang from demanding gang members be deported

Britain's shoddy justice system has once again shown its true colors when it comes to victims, in contrast to criminals:
During the latest trial involving historic child sex crimes in Rotherham, the Sheffield Crown Court is said to have ordered that the unnamed female victim remove her pleas for the government to send the convicted grooming gang members back to their native Pakistan.

According to a report from GB News, Barrister Matthew Bean said that “whether they [the abusers] remain in this country or not” is something that should be decided by the Home Office and should not be influenced by what “the victim should say one way or another.”

In her original uncensored victim statement, the woman, who began to suffer sexual abuse from grooming gang at the age of 11, had planned to tell the court: “I’d like to request that after sentencing and upon Rudy [Mohammed Amar] and Showabe’s [Mohammed Siyab] release, that they should be deported back to Pakistan as this is where they originated from and came here to exploit children. Thank you.”

[...] The failure of the government to deport foreign grooming gang members, particularly those from Pakistan, has been a longstanding source of criticism for the British government.

[...] Although the United Kingdom is one of the largest donors of foreign aid to Pakistan, Islamabad has reportedly been unwilling to take back its grooming gang criminals.

The Nationality And Borders Act of 2022 provides the British government with the ability to impose visa penalties on countries that refuse to accept deportations, however, this power has yet to be used. According to GB News, the failure has come as a result of push back from deep state civil servants at the Foreign Office.
All this is very atrocious, and the UK government's continuing failure to deal with any of it is very serious.

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