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Saturday, September 02, 2023 

Haredi women protest UTJ's Meir Porush for giving leniency to sex offender

It's good to see there's Haredi women rightly outraged over how Porush is aiding a sex offender who never served enough time in prison, and is likely trying to find an opportunity to escape from further justice:
A few dozen Haredi women and several men held a protest near the home of Jerusalem Affairs Minister Meir Porush Thursday evening for his reported efforts to help a Haredi sex offender travel to Ukraine.

The rally Thursday night on Allenby Square in Jerusalem follows reports that Porush, a member of the Haredi United Torah Judaism party, wrote to Ukraine’s ambassador to Israel, Yevgen Korniychuk, requesting that Rabbi Eliezer Berland be allowed to enter Ukraine ahead of the Jewish pilgrimage to Uman.

Porush reportedly also wrote a letter of recommendation for Berland, who was released from prison in April 2017 after serving less than a year for sexually assaulting two women. In 2021, Berland served another four months in jail for fraud, theft, attempted threats and tax violations.
This is encouraging to see there's Haredis who're rightly outraged at what Porush is doing, as though nothing ever happened. But it's to be hoped they'll prove their disapproval by not voting for United Torah Judaism in the next election, and even before that, it's vital to make sure this scandal is known.

And it'll be better still if these Haredis would leave the lifestyle and just follow the simpler and better form of Orthodox Judaism. They could bring about improvement that way.

Update: speaking of which, see also this story about a woman who left the Haredi community because of domestic violence she'd faced there.

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