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Sunday, September 03, 2023 

New Jersey police arrest one of Chris Christie's former aides for sexual abuse

Some may know former New Jersey governor Christie as one of the worst RINOs around, who brought down the quality of life in the state. Now, it turns out one of his ex-aides has been charged with pedophilia (H/T: Breitbart):
A former aide to Gov. Chris Christie has been arrested on charges he paid to engage in a sexual act with a six-year-old girl.

Kevin Tomafsky, 41, has been under investigation since October 2022 after Snapchat reported the uploading of an incident of alleged child sexual to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which was then sent to the Gloucester County Prosecutor’s office

Three sources say that another man charged with Tomafsky was the victim’s father; both are Washington Township residents. The New Jersey Globe is withholding the other defendant’s name to protect the victim’s privacy.

A grand jury indicted Tomafsky in July, and he was arrested on August 15. Tomafsky is currently being held at the Salem County Correctional Facility in Mannington. Christie hired Tomafsky to work in the governor’s office in June 2010 after spending eight years working on Republican campaigns in South Jersey, including as campaign manager for Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-Vineland). Tomafsky held a state government job, which he resigned earlier today.

Tomafsky is charged with engaging in sexual conduct with a child, conspiracy to endanger the welfare of a child, permitting a child to engage in pornography, and the procession of child pornography.
Christie himself is now running as a presidential candidate. This is unlikely to improve his already galling image. Let's hope the former aide will serve a serious prison sentence for the obscene behavior he committed, and that the "father" will be punished too.

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