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Sunday, October 15, 2023 

A case for boycotting Starbucks

A member of the Orthodox Chamber of Commerce makes a case for boycotting Starbucks coffee network, because of a union's support for Hamas:
Over the years, we have witnessed numerous instances of corporations making ill-advised decisions that affected the profits of their decision-makers. Examples such as Ben and Jerry's ice cream, owned by Unilever, and, more recently, Budweiser Anheuser-Busch, whose profits in the US experienced a substantial decline after the highly controversial Bud Light ad campaign perpetrated by Dylan Mulvaney.

However, it is essential to highlight that these marketing campaigns, despite their faults, were not in any way endorsing or supporting issues at all comparable to the mass barbaric murder of innocent civilians, including infants, children, women, and the elderly and were solely corporate marketing bad decisions.

The solidarity shown by the Starbucks Union, consisting of a whopping 9,000 employees, is disturbing beyond measure. It is a support that extends to a family of 20 innocent souls who were ruthlessly shot, piled up, and burned alive by Hamas. The sheer brutality displayed in this act is difficult to process.

How can we, as consumers, be comfortable allowing Starbucks employees, who express such solidarity with perpetrators of egregious violence, to serve us our daily cup of coffee? Should we not feel troubled by the fact that the very cup we hold in our hands might symbolize something far more sinister – the blood of innocent Jews, whose deaths these employees openly align with?

It is with a heavy heart that the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce, along with our esteemed partners, calls for a widespread boycott of Starbucks. We also implore all the groups that have previously demonstrated their concern by boycotting Budweiser to once again stand united in boycotting Starbucks and show their solidarity for the value of human life. Your voice, combined with ours, will send a strong message against the normalization of violence and hatred.
I remember when Starbucks also caused offense in India over their promotion of transsexuality there a few months ago, which, as one interviewee noted, they would never promote in a Muslim-majority country. Starbucks may have retreated from the position, but if they're allowing employment of anybody condoning savagery/cannibalism/barbarism of the sort Hamas committed, whether through unions or otherwise, that's utterly obscene and horrific, and if they don't part ways with any of the offenders, union-based or otherwise, then they've truly disgraced themselves indeed. They also caused a scandal with anti-white racism, and after this latest scandal, I'm sure few sensible people will care that crime in Democrat-run cities has resulted in closure of a number of their branches.

It would definitely be strongly advised for all sensible people everywhere to boycott Starbucks so long as they keep on with these offenses. And it's stunning how, over the years, there could be only so many movements and businesses that wound up being comprised of people who support barbarism and bigotry.

Update: also on the subject, an Arab stewardess at El Al airlines was fired after she wrote a social media post siding with Hamas.

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